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Get My Marriage Back

Trying To Save Marriage Wife Said It’s Too Late? ❤️ Try this 3 “UNUSUAL” Tricks

In this lesson, you will discover the 3 SECRET tricks that I used when I was trying to save my marriage when my wife said it was too late.

By the way, you can master the full methods by downloading our free book at or get it on Amazon

QUESTION ⁉️ “It all sounds great but this evil will not help me with my wife; when she says she’s done, it means she’s done.”

The first sign we notice in this message is the fact that a husband is throwing hands up in the air claiming there is no way for his wife to behave.

When you approach saving your marriage with that energy, you will attract more of it.

What if you accept that you are confused and it’s just time to learn something new about making your wife open for you to penetrate mentally and physically?”


Trying To Save Marriage Wife Said It’s Too Late

IMG - trying to save marriage, wife said it's too late

TRICK #1 – Stop Confusing Words with Action

If you are like most people, you’ve caught feeling and you are feeling rejected because your wife says she’s done.

Never mind what she says; what about her actions?

Is she still living in the same house with you?  

If she is still connected to you in one way or the other, even if it’s because of the kids, I would stop panicking.

It’s common mistake in relationships especially marriage to confuse her words with her actions.

Relax and follow her actions.

Regardless of what the action may be, relax; you are the king.

TRICK #2 – Admit that the Marriage May Be Too Late to Save

Once you relax, she will become curious again and want to initiate engagement.

Use that opportunity to show case you new relaxed man who is sure of himself and require no validation from anyone in order to be happy.

This is more of a demeanor and energy than what you say out.

It’s also okay at this stage to admit that the marriage is bad

… and that’s not equivalent to admitting that it’s all your fault.

It will only showcase you as a king who knows how to listen and communicate effectively with his queen.

This new behavior will shock your wife and will start to consider changing her mind…

If she was ever serious about saving your marriage being too late.

TRICK #3 – Give Her What She Wants; Gift of Missing You

This process will take time but you can leverage this opportunity to give yourself a gift.

When she insinuated that it’s too late to save the marriage, she’s was saying she needed space.

There is no one single event that can shut a marriage off.

Give her what she wants; the gift of missing you–space.  

You need space too as it’s an opportunity to showcase your ability of infinite patience.

BONUS TRICK – Learn the Art of Attraction – Read the Book 10-15 times

In that time period, it can be extremely difficult to just sit tight and not express yourself.

You may even feel unheard; but that’s needy behavior.

Download the book for free and read it 10-15 times so that you can teach the material unprepared.

It makes patience easier.

That time ans space will increase attraction between the two of you and…

You will equipped with material and ingredients to catalyze further growth of the attraction that you now have.

We all know that relationships have their ups and downs, and sometimes, those downs can feel pretty darn low.

So, you might be wondering…

When exactly is it too late to save a marriage? And is all that effort really worth it to mend a broken marriage?

First things first, let’s address the timing.

The truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this.

Every relationship is unique, just like the people in it. Some couples manage to find their way back even from the darkest of times, while others might reach a point where the pain and damage become irreparable.

It’s crucial to remember that it’s not just about the timeline, but also about the willingness and effort both partners are willing to put in.

Now, let’s talk about whether it’s worth fixing a broken marriage.

This is a tough one, no doubt about it. The decision to fix a broken marriage is deeply personal and can be influenced by a multitude of factors. Here are a few things to consider:


One of the pillars of a strong relationship is open and honest communication. If both partners are willing to sit down and talk about their feelings, concerns, and what led them to this point, it’s a positive sign that there’s a chance for healing.

It might be necessary for at least one willing partner to use seduction skills to attract the other partner into that space first.

Love and Commitment:

Remember why you fell in love in the first place?

Those feelings might still be buried under the rubble of issues, but they could be worth uncovering. If there’s still love and commitment, it’s definitely worth exploring if the marriage can be saved.

Can Menopause Cause a Sexless Marriage And Not Wanting To Be Touched?

Professional Help and Support:

Seeking the guidance of a marriage counselor or therapist can work wonders.

These experts can provide fresh perspectives, communication tools, and strategies to navigate the choppy waters of a struggling marriage.


Take a moment to look within.

Are you both willing to acknowledge your own shortcomings and work on them? Self-awareness and personal growth can play a huge role in reviving a marriage.

Children and Family:

If there are children involved, their well-being should be a priority.

Sometimes, parents choose to work on their marriage for the sake of their kids, and that can be a strong motivator.

However, it’s also important to recognize when it might be time to let go (it doesn’t have to be a permanent decision):

Toxic Dynamics:

If the relationship has become toxic, filled with emotional or even physical abuse, it’s crucial to prioritize your safety and well-being over trying to fix something that might be beyond repair.

Unresolved Issues:

If past issues keep resurfacing and there’s a lack of genuine effort to address them, it might be a sign that the foundation of the relationship is too shaky.

Loss of Trust:

Trust is like a delicate glass vase – once it’s shattered, it’s hard to piece it back together perfectly. If trust has been broken beyond repair, it might be time to reevaluate.

Personal Growth:

Sometimes, individuals grow in different directions.

If you find yourselves with different goals, values, or aspirations that can’t be reconciled, it might be healthier to part ways.

In the end, the question of whether a broken marriage is worth fixing boils down to the efforts, emotions, and circumstances of the people involved.

It’s not an easy road, but with open hearts, dedication, and perhaps some professional guidance, it’s incredible what two people can achieve together.

Just remember, whether you choose to fight for your marriage or part ways, the most important thing is your happiness and your overall well-being.

You deserve a life filled with love, respect, and joy.

So there you have it. Marriage can be a wild ride, full of twists and turns.

It’s never too late to try, but it’s also okay to walk away when the time is right.

Whatever path you choose, remember that you’re not alone – there’s a whole world of support out there cheering you on.

Stay strong, stay kind, and most importantly, stay true to yourself. Until next time!

How do you know it’s too late to save a marriage?

It might be too late to save a marriage when both partners have lost emotional connection and willingness to work on the relationship.

Is it worth fixing a broken marriage?

Whether a broken marriage is worth fixing depends on the individuals involved and their commitment to making positive changes. With the right support, all it takes is one person for a fair chance.

At what point do you stop trying to save your marriage?

You might consider stopping efforts to save a marriage when there’s consistent toxicity, lack of trust, and minimal effort from both partners to improve the situation.

Can a dying marriage be saved?

While challenging, a dying marriage can potentially be saved if at least once person is willing to engage the necessary education on seduction to get both partners into a space where they are open to seeking professional help, communication, and making necessary changes.

5 Physical Signs Your Wife is Cheating

You are about to discover the 5 physical signs your wife is cheating.

Cheating and/infidelity is a terrible experience for a marriage and relationship.

It kills marriages, and more importantly…


It’s a betrayal and it goes very deep beyond just the moment it happens, the relationship, just one person’s life.   

It’s something that causes deep-rooted damages to a person and getting through it can be very difficult.

So if you’ve experienced any kind of cheating, caught your wife cheating or you feeling like your wife is cheating, you may want to engage a professional to make sure that you go through the proper healing process necessary.

If you don’t, you will spread the damages into other aspects of your life, such as your legacy, your children, and everyone that you ever get into any kind of relationship with.

With that being said, Let’s get into 5 Physical Signs Your Wife Is Cheating:

1st physical sign that your wife is cheating – She is always too tired to have sex.

PREVIOUS POST: 15 Warning Signs Your Wife Doesn’t Love You & How to Attract Her Back ❤️

This sign by itself is not sufficient enough a proof that she is cheating but this could be a sign that she is cheating.

Because remember that energy is neither created nor destroyed.

But if we are finding ourselves in a situation where you feel the need to use the word  “always” to emphasize the fact that… 

  • She doesn’t “always” want to have sex.
  • Always doesn’t want to be intimate with you.

That is something that you should pay attention to.  

And that doesn’t mean you should go ahead and start attacking and accusing her of infidelity.  It simply means you should pay attention.

Just keep in mind that your feelings may be inaccurate or completely far from reality.

It could just be your personal insecurity problems and that’s precisely why, you still need to unpack it and figure out what is going on with your relationship.

So if she comes up as always too tired to have sex, that is something you should pay attention to.

If once in a while, she is just tired after a long working day, that obviously doesn’t mean she is cheating.

It just means she is tired and that’s very normal in a lot of cases.

Even yourself… even if you are the most sex-maniac in the world, sometimes you’re just not in the mood.

2nd physical sign that your wife is cheating – Strange and/or Expensive gifts.

Either she brought to the house or it was shipped to the house…

If it is a common occurrence enough for you to notice, you should be concerned enough to ask questions.

As always, this doesn’t always mean that she is cheating. 


  • You can’t really explain where these gifts are coming from.
  • She has never taken the time to tell you specifically where these gifts are coming from.
  • And if they feel strange to you.

That’s something you should pay attention to…I would.


Because you should know what’s going on anyway.  And if you are not paying attention to your family and especially your wife as a man, what else are you not doing?

That means you’ve been oblivious and anything can happen under your nose to the extent that you wife can start building attraction towards another man.

So, you should be paying attention anyway.

As always, this is not a moment for you to start attacking and accusing her.

There is often a fine and blurry line between insecurity and simply being responsible enough to pay attention.  All this means is to pay attention.

You should ask questions.

“Where is this gift from?”

If she is consistently getting strange and expensive gifts, then I would look for at least 3 or 4 other signs on this list.

3rd physical sign that your wife may be cheating – She hides to take a phone call.

TRENDING: What is Infidelity ❤️ Does it Make Marriage a Mistake⁉️

So you’ve noticed in recent times that your wife doesn’t like taking phone calls in front of you.

She would excuse herself or sometimes never even excuse herself.  

She wanders away into other rooms and she tends to be very quiet while she is taking these calls.

This could be a sign that she is cheating.  Clearly, she is not wanting you to hear what she is having conversations about.

Now if your birthday is approaching, she may be taking calls related to plans of a surprise birthday party for you.

But again if you have 3 or 4 of the other signs on this list in your situation, chances are it’s not about your birthday party.

It means you should pay attention, right?

Now, what is cheating?

In this case, cheating means she is doing something she wouldn’t want to do in front of you as mabe related to an inappropriate relationship with another person in a romantic way outside of your relationship or marriage.

So again, if she’s taking phone calls and… 

She’s having to go into other rooms and not wanting you to hear what those phone calls are about,  and she never comes back to say…

“Hey, that was Jill on the other line. I was talking to her about work stuff from earlier today.”

If she is not doing that then that is something you should pay attention to and ask questions.

“Who was that? Oh okay, you don’t want me to know?”

And make sure you keep the conversation light-headed if you are asking that question so you don’t shut her off.

Because again if you are too serious, you’re gonna take away the spark from your relationship and marriage in general.

You’re revealing yourself way too much and that’s more likely going to backfire and work completely against your purpose…

It’s going to come off as insecurity and that’s not attractive.

4th physical sign that your wife is cheating – She’s too paranoid to leave her phone.

So, if you’ve noticed that she’s always taking her phone everywhere she goes and that she is never, in recent times left the phone on the bed

….just hanging out there on the table.

She just seems like she hugs up on the phone and she holds on to it everywhere and every room she goes in the house, that could be a sign that she is hiding something.

That could also be a sign of cheating.

Now, we don’t know what she is hiding.  So as I’ve said always in this lesson, we don’t know what she is hiding but again… 

If you’ve noticed 3 or 4 other signs present in your relationship in recent times and you’re in fact feeling insecure about your relationship with your wife, then this is something that you should pay attention to.

“Why would I pay attention to it?”

Because again a lot of time as men, we get complacent.  We don’t pay attention.  We take things for granted.

And then you know, we may be losing our woman just like that without it necessarily being a matter of her being out to hurt you.

It’s just how life happens.

Again remember that energy is neither created nor destroyed.

So if you’re not giving to her and she finds herself in a situation where other people are giving to her; filling her love tank in an emotional way, you may end up losing your woman.

I would pay attention to this and find ways to attract her back to me.

Just in case you can relate to this, this is not a moment to accuse and attack her, this is your moment to figure out what is going on like…

“Yeah, there is something missing. Let me attract my woman back”.

Why would I do that?  Why would I need to give to her?

Because I know enough that whatever I give to women, she multiplies which means she will reciprocate in multiple folds.

So, with that being said, if she’s too paranoid to leave her phone around, that could be a sign that she’s cheating.

Keep in mind that it’s just a sign that you need to step up your game.

Could your wife just be a psychopath cheater?

Yes it could be but for the most part, that’s not the case.

We’re mostly human beings who are just trying to live and we need emotional validation a lot of times in the journey of life.

That goes for both men and women.

And in a marriage, things can get stale very fast.  We could get complacent.

5th physical sign that your wife is cheating – She’s expressed it verbally.

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She may have said things to you, such as, she’s no longer in love 

…or she is asking for space.

If she said things like that to you, you should take them seriously but that doesn’t necessarily mean to react to them.


Energy is neither created nor destroyed and if that’s the case, where is she pouring her affection?

It could be into another man

But it could also be because she’s feeling a void in her personal life or with respect to her career.

The point is that there could be so many other things outside of cheating but it could also be because she’s cheating on you.

And she may not be courageous enough to come to you and tell you… 

“I’m cheating” 

…and sometimes the way she would express that is in words… such as: 

“I’m no longer in love with you.”

“I love you but I am not in love with you anymore.”

Or she may outrightly ask you for… “I need some space”.

If you find yourself in this kind of situation, I know it can be a terrible feeling 

You should be aware that she may be cheating but ultimately you don’t want to look at it like that.

You want to look at it as your woman not feeling confident to be open enough to express herself to you.

Instead, think like this….

Maybe she has felt a void in her career or in her romantic life and she just doesn’t feel adequate.  She doesn’t like what she’s become even in your marriage.

Now, does that mean you should blame yourself?  Absolutely not!

Does that mean you should feel guilty? No!

It just means that if you care about this woman and your marriage and most importantly relationship with her, you probably should step up your game.

You should learn some skill set that will help you seduce and attract her back into your arms.

And it’s absolutely possible.

So those are the 5 physical signs that your wife may be cheating on you to look out for

Cheating in this context means she’s doing things with other people in a romantic way that she wouldn’t want you to find out about.

If this has been very helpful for you, you wanna download and get the book which is absolutely free by going to


Question: “My wife wants a divorce how can I change her mind?” – 5 tips

I want to share 5 tips with you on getting the best chance to change her mind.

You know, at the end of the day, it’s not a 100% chance.

It’s never gonna be a 100% chance that you would change your mind.

But if you follow these 5 tips I’m about to share with you, you would dramatically increase the chances that she would change her mind.

Before I get into the 5 tips, there’s a quick story I want to share with you.

Just some few weeks ago, I was watching a review of a podcast that Lola and I were on as a guest.

There was a review.

We happen to make the top 5 of the podcast episodes on that podcast,

…and the husband and the wife, who is also a family friend, Bola and Mac were talking about the divorce that my wife asked for some years back.

And the husband was like, “I don’t think they put that out there like”,

…then the wife was like, “No”.

We did and the truth is that yes, we have spoken about our divorce.

We have mentioned it, and we in fact talked elaborately about it in the book, you can get the book for free at

We talked elaborately about that in our book, on many videos and I’m about to talk about it again right now.

The truth of the matter is that we have spoken about our divorce and we have to talk about the divorce because,

…what a lot of people do with marriage and divorce is that it becomes like a big demon in their lives and their relationship, and then it eats up the relationship.

And when you don’t have a relationship, essentially, you don’t have a marriage because marriage is just the institution, that’s the paper stuff.

But there’s an underlying relationship that happens before you can even have a healthy marriage.

That’s why I wanted to share these,

My wife wants a divorce, how can I change her mind? – 5 tips, with you really quickly.


Tip #1

You can’t change her mind, but your next moves will influence her final decision.

See, at the end of the day, we’re human beings.

We’re social beings and we are relating with each other on how safe we feel around each other.

And because of that, we do influence our own decisions.

Like the people around you, you know, you’ve heard that saying before,

… the top 5 people around you influence your decisions.

They influence your life, they influence the outcome of your life and so also is your marriage and your relationship.

That’s true for your marriage and your relationships as well.

Even though you can’t particularly change her mind, your next moves,

So I’m about to share 4 more tips on, My wife wants a divorce, how can I change her mind?

Your next moves will influence her final decision.

So let’s go on to,

Tip #2

Don’t put divorce on the pedestal.

Don’t make divorce a big of a deal than it is already.

Don’t make it a big of a deal than it is

It’s just divorce.

It just means somebody decides that they don’t wanna be a part of your life.

But it’s a decision that people can change their mind all the time.

So if you stick to Tip #1 like I said earlier,

Yes, she can change your mind based on the moves you’re gonna make.

Then again, don’t make divorce a big of a deal than it is.

It’s just at least in that moment in time, she hasn’t filed divorce yet.

It is just a decision, it is just “hey, I’m gonna ask for divorce”,it’s just a decision that can be changed.

Let me even tell you how good this is.

Even if she’s already filed for the divorce.

This was something that I learned that made it super easy for me to attract my wife back.

She had actually filed divorce before we got back together and the good news is that,

…the thing is that I had stumbled into stories of people that had filed divorce five years and they’ve been divorced for five years, they got back together.

I know people that have been divorced for a whole decade but they still got back together.

So if I know that all these possibilities are in place, the last thing I wanted to do was to put divorce on a pedestal.

Divorce is not as much of a big deal that people would like to make it seem.

TRENDING: Trying To Save Marriage Wife Said It’s Too Late? ❤️ Try this 3 “UNUSUAL” Tricks

You know, a lot of religious people make divorce a big deal when they go to that part of the Bible where it says “God hates divorce”.

Think about the effect of that phrase on your mind.

It’s like, “Oh, God forbid

No, don’t do that.

Don’t put divorce on a pedestal.

God hates divorce, okay good but it’s a reality a lot of times.

Don’t make it a big deal.

The big deal here is the relationship you have with your wife.

You need to work on that.

That is faulty, and that’s the underlying reason why she’s asking for divorce.

Asking for divorce is a symptom you want to come back to the underlying reason.

What is the cause?

You’re worried about the effect, but let’s talk about the cause.

The cause is where you should be focused on.

In that same talking, I’m gonna give you

Tip #3

Don’t put marriage on a pedestal.

Marriage is cute and it’s beautiful when it’s nice but if you have a terrible relationship as the underlying structure of your marriage,

What’s the point?

So don’t put marriage on a pedestal.

I’d rather you focus on the relationship you have with your wife, than focusing on “God forbid, I don’t want the marriage to end”.

If you don’t want the marriage to end, that energy that you’re carrying around is gonna push your wife even further away.

Tip #4

Focus 100% on building yourself.

So not even the relationship, building yourself till you attract the love you desire.

And let me just add this, that you deserve.

If you focus on yourself, you will attract the appropriate type of love and it’s kind of easier if she’s already your wife.

She’s not gonna wanna let you go if you work on yourself and that’s a thought to show in your behaviors.

She’s not gonna wanna let you go.

So what you need to focus on 100% is building yourself.

There’s something about you that’s making you do the opposite of attracting your wife.

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Focus on that.

Work on that.

Don’t worry about changing her mind.

Worry about building yourself.

Tip #5

Be okay with the possibility of never attracting her again.

You see, there are forces beyond what you can see.

Especially when you’re dealing with relationships.

It’s a very spiritual thing.

So a lot of time you may think you want your wife back.

Maybe that’s not the case.

Maybe it’s just a matter of obsession that’s basically born out of the rejection.

Rejection breeds obsession.

So you may just not be able to see that clearly right now.

That’s why 100% of your focus needs to go into building yourself.

Because if she doesn’t belong in being your wife,

In that position of being your wife, she doesn’t need to be there.

But you may not be able to see that yet, because again you’re feeling obsessed.

You’re obsessed because of the rejection.

So again those are the 5 tips for, My wife wants a divorce, how can I change her mind?

if this is the right person for you, you will attract her back into a better and healthier relationship,

…which is also a better and healthier marriage if you just focus on yourself.

“How To APOLOGIZE To Your WIFE” – 7 Tips

Question: “How To APOLOGIZE To Your WIFE” – 7 Tips

You’ve offended your wife.

Things have happened.

Her feelings are hurt and you wanna apologize to your wife?

It could be anything from as simple as you hurt her feelings, you’re dismissive, you argue too much to infidelity.

Like something terribly bad.

Some kind of betrayal, betrayal of trust.

You know, whatever it is that’s going on.

There is some kind of crisis going on in your marriage and you feel the need to apologize to your wife right now.

Before I get into the 7 tips, there’s a quick story I want to show with you.

There’s a guy, a popular musician in Nigeria called Nice.

Basically he came out on the scene, some few weeks ago and he recorded a video, some two minutes video apologizing to his wife.

Then asking all 300,000 of his followers to help him apologize to his wife and then asked people to tag his wife.

He actually put the Instagram handle and asked people to tag his wife and help him apologize because he did something terrible.

And then we came to find out that what he did was that he cheated on his wife.

It’s actually a viral video that was floating all over the place of him serenading, grabbing the breast of another girl, a side chick if you will.

I guess that video came out and the wife is now shut down and I think, left the house and things like that.

Now, as soon as I saw that video, I knew that that was a wrong move.


And why is that the wrong move?

I’m gonna share 7 tips with you and in these 7 tips, you would know that that’s in fact the wrong move.

It’s actually a work against him, his relationship and marriage more than do any kind of favor.

Now a lot of people, especially even ladies, saw that and they thought that was romantic.

You hear people saying “it’s very rare to see a man that will actually admit they’re wrong and actually apologize

While there may be some truth to that, that move of shooting the video, adding background music and apologizing to your wife publicly is the wrong move.


Tip #1

Never tender apologies after a betrayal (especially publicly), without taking the time to do the work.

So think about it,

if you are tendering an apology, your wife just found out that you offended her.

There is the need to fix things immediately, but that immediate need to fix things is emotional.

It’s purely emotional and you haven’t done any work.

It’s reactional.

You’re just reacting to the idea that you may have hurt your wife or that you hurt your wife.

Anytime you react in that way without putting proper thoughts behind it, a.k.a. the work behind the scenes,

It’s gonna work against you.

Your apology, in fact, is probably not authentic because again, you haven’t really processed what just happened.

You haven’t processed how you may have been wrong.

Your wife told you you’re wrong, maybe you’re not exactly wrong.

Maybe it’s not about right and wrong.

Maybe you’re wrong.

Whichever one it is, you haven’t taken the time to work on yourself.

So any kind of apology you tender is in fact fake and is more of a response than it is an authentic apology.

Tip #2

The best apology is always 100% changed behavior.

TRENDING: “How Do I APOLOGIZE for HURTING My Wife?”📍 John Gray

Again, changed behavior does not happen overnight.

It’s not gonna happen because your wife caught you.

So that’s when you see people say, “Are you apologizing before, because you’re caught? or because you’re actually truly remorseful?”.

It is almost impossible to be remorseful when you get caught like that, because again, you haven’t processed it.

Tip #3

Most people who tender apology are doing so as a form of quick fix, and your victim (especially ladies), can smell a bad apology from thousands of miles away.

I think we’re just going in circles now.

It’s the same thing.

It’s a quick fix.

Apology that represents more of a quick fix will hurt your relationship, it will make the other person feel manipulated more than it to actually help anything.

Tip #4

You can have good intentions and still tender a bad apology.

Yes, your intentions are good.

You really want to just fix things.

You just want her to feel better, but she’s not gonna feel better..

Again, because you haven’t allowed her time to process what just happened,

…you haven’t processed what just happened.

All that happened is that you got caught.

Take the time off.


So I understand that you feel bad, but feeling bad is not a changed behavior.

Like I said in tip #2, it’s not a changed behavior.

Good intention is not the same thing as good apology.

Good intention is not the same thing as changed behavior.

A changed behavior, when we’re talking about behavior, we’re not talking about habits and to change habits will take work.

In fact, an average habit takes 90 days of intense work on yourself before you can actually change a habit and behavior.

Tip #5

If you truly will change your behavior sustainably, If you want a lasting change of behavior, the change will be a function of time and patience.

It takes time and patience.

You can’t possibly be apologizing and think that your apology is authentic because you got caught.

You got caught, you feel bad is different from you feeling authentically remorseful.

You haven’t processed it.

In fact, you may have some resentments in yourself, but because your wife has rejected you right now, you just wanna be very quick to apologize.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that.

Tip #6

Public apologies only create more embarrassment for the victims.

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Especially when we’re talking about a celebrity.

But honestly, across board public apologies are just terrible.

They embarrass the victim a lot more than it actually makes them feel better because again they feel some type of embarrassment.

They are a little bit ashamed of what just happened but now you’re making it public,

…you’re not helping things.

That’s another reason why it must be a function of time and patience.

Because if you took the time, you would have thought that all the way through that “Hey, I know I have offended her but the worst thing that can do right now is to embarrass her even further”.

So you don’t want to do that.

Tip #7

Tender apology only after taking some time to process whatever happened,

Take the time.

It must be a function of time and patience.

But there’s an exception.

If your victim expresses an explicit request for an apology, if they’re saying “you owe me an apology”.

If you feel like you’ve offended them, then basically they’ve processed it enough to say, “Hey, you owe me an apology”.

You can say “I apologize”, keep it simple.

You don’t need to do that over and over again.

Again, the best thing you can do is take the time and patience and do the work that you need to do on changing the behavior and the habits.

If you’re not ready to do that, your apology is only gonna create more toxicity in your relationship or in your marriage.

It’s only gonna make things worse.

And you’re gonna build more resentments for every time you offend that same person in the same way, over and over again.

The resentment is just gonna get worse and worse.

So that’s how to apologize to your wife.

Time and patience.

Take the time and patience to work on yourself and work on changed behavior.

“Am I VERBALLY ABUSIVE To My Wife” – 5 Tips

So there are 5 tips I want to share with you to determine the answer to that question,

But before I get into that, there is a quick story that I wanna tell you.

I came across a video on YouTube by a gentleman called Kevin Samuels and apparently,

…he basically advised young ladies, single ladies, and people in general about relationships…and that’s cool.

I think we still need more people helping people like that.

We see more of negative videos with regards to relationships that people find more entertaining

Which actually ends up hurting their relationships.

I’m talking about reality TV shows and things like that.

So any time I see somebody helping people with learning how relationships work, I like it ultimately.

But I encountered the viral video from him where he was seemingly bashing this lady heavily.

He was very rude.

A lot of time people engage in the blunt language,

… talmbout’, they speak blunt.

As a matter of fact, I was on the new social media platform in the past few days, called Clubhouse,

…and I heard quite a few people who were thinking that the way to a healthy relationship is communication.

I’m not disputing that it’s communication, but what most people consider communication is just talking and being blunt,

or “setting the expectation” or “setting the intentions” and boundaries.

These are things that kill attraction if you have overdose of expressing them… extreme ideologies has a way of killing attraction.

So with that being said, Are You verbally abusive to your wife?


There’s a good chance that you are feeling like you’ve been communicating,

…and in fact,

You’ve been killing the vibe and the relationship with your wife by being the “communicator”; basically the talkative of the relationship.

Believe me when I tell you this, I am the one that’s considered the communicator or the talkative in our relationship and marriage.

I don’t think so, but at least my wife considers to be true.

What I find is that it really doesn’t matter if I feel like I’m not the talkative.

What matters is…

Tip #1- It’s her opinion.

If she feels like you’re verbally abusive, that’s as valid as it gets.

The feelings have to be validated by paying attention to it and see how you can adjust things in a positive direction,

Because the feelings are powerful enough to determine the direction of your relationship with your wife.

So Tip#1 – It’s her opinion.

You have to listen to it, pay attention to it and see what she’s trying to say even if you disagree with it.

See what kind of action you have been taking that makes her feel like you’re talking too much or verbally abusive.

If you do that, it doesn’t mean you are agreeing that you are verbally abusive.

It just means you’re paying attention to whatever she is interpreting as “verbal abuse” and then you can fix that.

You can adjust or pivot accordingly because at the end of the day you care about the relationship.

That’s why you are asking if you are verbally abusive to you wife.

Tip #2 – You need a full tank of patience.

Towards the end of that Kevin Samuels’ viral video, he actually lost his cool and hung up on the lady.

And I know this is not his wife.

But in my opinion, if you are going to win in your relationship with your wife, you have to treat ladies in general with a certain level of respect and patience.

Much more importantly, the patience.

You can’t lose your cool, if you lose your cool,

…you can at least say

If you don’t mind, let me take care of some business and we’ll come back to this conversation later

You have to be polite with the way you dismiss the situation if you have to dismiss the situation.

Sometimes it’s true that you have to dismiss the conversation because you feel like it’s just not getting anywhere.

But you wanna be polite about it.

Particularly, you don’t want them to feel like you dismiss them.

This is something I’m personally still working on.

Sometimes, I just don’t want the toxic argument and I come off as dismissive.

It’s an art, it’s not an exact science.

Somethings… you have to learn with respect to the particular person you’re dealing with and their personality.

Tip #2 – You wanna make sure you engage these conversations with a full tank of patience; Infinite patience.

You can’t lose your cool.

TRENDING: How to Deal with an Unsupportive Husband ❤️

Tip #3 – Engage active listening.

If your lady accuses you of being verbally abusive, the first quick step to really nibbling that in the bud is to stop talking.

Stop talking so much even if your intentions is to correct.

There’s a lot of people that just have good intentions in wanting to correct something, and it comes off as verbal abuse and controlling behavior.

Remember tip #1, if it comes off as abusive, controlling and manipulative, then it is what it is…

Because it’s a relationship…

And just 50% is all you need to make that a full blown opinion that would control the dynamics and the direction of your relationship.

So instead of talking so much, don’t just shut up because that would be dismissive,

Engage active listening.

And I would say, repeat what she’s saying back to her and ask her to tell you more.

Tip #4 – Abuse is very likely unintentional.

There’s a lot of abuse going on in relationships and marriages.

And many times, they’re just unintentional…

Nobody (most people don’t) come(s) into a marriage with the intention of being abusive.

But sometimes when we lose our cool or the way we conduct ourselves in the middle of a crisis,

…we’ll come off as abusive to the other person

But keep in mind, there’s a crisis going on.

What you will find in a lot of relationships and marriages is that people are basically in the middle of normal engagement with a partner when they tend to end up with a crisis,

When everybody has lost their cool and there’s an active argument, fighting and bickering going on, then clearly nothing is intentional.

Everything is reactive and that’s not what you wanna do.

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Tip #5 – Reverse engineer corrections into her idea.

Like I said earlier, a lot of times the intention is to correct something that you feel maybe wrong.

But your intentions are overrated. In fact, your action is being received as verbally abusive.

And if it’s been received by 50% of the relationship as verbally abusive, unfortunately, I have to tell you that it is probably verbal abuse.

At least for now, it’s the feeling that counts. If your partner feels like it is verbally abusive, it is verbally abusive.

So instead of trying to correct and engaging in blunt languages to correct your partner as it comes, find ways to reverse engineer your corrections into her idea.

So how do you do that?

You need to learn how to ask quality questions.

There are questions that you will ask and you think they’re quality but they’re actually coming off as manipulative and condescending.

You want to avoid those types of questions and really master the skills of asking quality questions.

So things like…

So are you saying that I come off a little bit abusive?

I’m sorry to hear that.”

I didn’t mean to be abusive”.

Can you tell me what that looks like when I’m abusive because there’s a good chance I’m not aware that I’m being abusive?”

See, if you talk in that calm manner repeatedly…not just one time…

She will start feeling safer around you.

And then she will also give you a lot more passes even when you’re upset because you’re still a human being.

But right now, the work is gonna be on your part in order to reverse all that “verbally abusive” negative energy.

You want to reverse that, put in some work and be consistent until she starts feeling safer with you again,

…but I’m telling you right now, there’s a good chance that you were just being blunt.

That’s why Blunt is a terrible way of communicating in a relationship.

Listening is the best route to effective communication.

Less talking can sometime be the best way to communicate, especially if you’re a man trying to communicate with your wife.

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