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💔 Marriage Statistics: 9 Facts & What They Mean

In this lesson, you will discover how marriage statistics at the moment is quite crazy and puzzling, to say the least.

One marriage statistic that is not so puzzling but still interesting to look at is the average marriage rate by age in the United States.

It has been steadily increasing since 1970 and currently sits at 29 years old for women and 30 years old for men, with a breakdown by age shown below.

-Average marriage age: 29 (women) | 30 (men)

Marriage Rates Breakdown by Age:

18 – 24: 2%

25 – 34: 8%

35 – 44: 12%

45+: 36%.

You can apply the same numbers to societies around the world that are actively being influenced by American and hip-hop culture.

These Are The Statistics We Will Be Learning About

PREVIOUS POST: “Is My Wife Cheating?” 💔 10 Additional Questions To Find Out

1. The average age for marriage in the United States is 27 years old 

2. The same sex marriage has also risen rapidly in recent years

3. First marriage: Nearly half end in divorce within five years.

4. Marriage rates have been steadily declining since the 1970s.

5. Marriage Trends In The Direction of the Community Decline

6. Divorce rate is higher among couples with children compared to those without children.

7. Crude Divorce Rate Increased From 14% to 18% Between 2000 and 2015.

8. Divorce rates are also higher when both partners work full-time 

9. Women are more likely to seek a divorce than men

Let’s dive into the details of what some of these statistics represent.

1. The average age for marriage in the United States is 27 years old 

More unmarried couples are living together than married couples.  Marriages are more likely to end in divorce now than they were 50 years ago.

A new way of looking at marriage has emerged – that it’s not about finding the one, but rather being happy with oneself first and then finding someone else who can make you even happier

Unfortunately, marriage is no longer an institution that people feel pressure to enter into – instead, some people see it as a personal choice or even a practical decision if they want to have children

2. The same sex marriage has also risen rapidly in recent years

However, this brings about many new challenges for same-sex couples.

Same-sex divorce, for example, does not necessarily mean that the same laws apply to them as they do to other couples.

These are just some of the reasons why same-sex marriage statistics can be puzzling and challenging at times.

It may take a long time before all states recognize same-sex marriages conducted in another state.

3. First marriage: Nearly half end in divorce within five years.

I believe this might be due to the fact that first marriages take place at a time when people are still young and inexperienced.

They also tend to not have all their priorities sorted out, and they’re more vulnerable to societal pressures.

Plus, first marriages seem like an unsuccessful venture from the start because there’s such a high chance the marriage will end in divorce within five years.

First-time couples also lack emotional stability and insight about each other – which can lead to conflicts and arguments even before children come into the equation.

Couples who have been married before should be more experienced and better equipped to handle marriage. 

But you will also find out that the divorce rate increases for every marriage individuals incrementally gets into.

4. Marriage Rate Has Been Steadily Declining Since the 1970s. 

In the United States alone, there were 8.1 marriages per 1000 people in 2014.

This is a slight decrease from 2013’s statistics of 8.2 marriages per 1000 people.

Although this might seem like a small decrease, it does show that the rates are declining.

The national average for marriage rates in both 2012 and 2013 was at 7 marriages per 1000 people; national average in the US.

In 2010, the marriage rate was slightly higher at 7.3 marriages per 1000 people.

The lowest marriage rates were seen in 2007 with 6 marriages per 1000 people nationally across the US.

The CDC believed that the slowing national marriage rate can be explained by a number of factors including an increase in adults living together without marrying as well as an increased acceptance of other lifestyles such as single motherhood, living with an unmarried partner and same-sex marriage.

The average-age for people to get married has risen over the past few years which could also help explain this decrease in marriages (CDC, 2015).

As of 2014, men typically got married at 29.0 years old while women tended to get married at 27.0 years old (CDC, 2015).

The reasons for marriage in 2014 were: love and companionship (63%), followed by making a lifelong commitment (62%) and having children (53%).

In 2013 the reason to get married was different with 46% getting married because of love and 47% saying that they wanted to make a lifelong commitment (CDC, 2014).

According to the CDC statistics, there are currently more marriages ending in divorce than those that end because of death.

There were an estimated 12.0 divorces per 1000 people compared with 11.0 deaths per 1000 people in 2014 (CDC, 2015).

This statistic has remained relatively stable in recent years and in 2010, there were 11.0 divorces per 1000 people and in 2012 there were 12.0 (CDC, 2015).

In the US, the marriage rate also varies by state.

The marriage rates by state present the percentage of people who are married.

The highest percentage of people who are married can be found in Utah at 72%.

The lowest percentage of people who are married can be found in Oregon at 44%.

This is an indication of certain beliefs about marriage.

5. Marriage Trends In The Direction of the Community Decline

Humans are social creatures.

So, marriage is more than just a personal commitment – it has an impact on the marriage rate for society as a whole.

Many countries are feeling the decline of the marriage rate, but there are some bright spots too.

The marriage rate across Europe has dropped by more than two percentage points in just ten years, according to Eurostat.

The regions that have seen the sharpest declines in marriage rates include Latvia with a 10% drop and Lithuania with 12%.

Italy’s marriage rate plummeted 18% in 2000 to 11.4% now based on total population data from Istat.

These marriage rate statistics paint a bleak picture for many of Europe’s economies.

What is causing this?

Many factors are at play, but they can be linked to an increasing number of people choosing not to get married.

The marriage rate has dropped by more than 20% in the United States since 2000 while cohabitation rates have increased substantially over that same time frame.

Other developed nations like Canada and Australia also saw marriage rates decline between 2009-2010 based on data from Statistics Canada & the Australian Bureau of Statistics respectively.

But there are some exceptions where marriage isn’t on the decline – Russia had notable growth in marriages with almost 30,000 additional weddings taking place throughout 2016 alone.

Certainly, people live together without getting married or having children so who cares?

Well, children do need both parents – they need their mothers and fathers together as a family.

When marriage rates drop, so do birth rates – marriage is even more relevant in terms of fertility as 70 percent of women who have ever married are currently using contraception to prevent births within their marriage.

The decline in marriage could also be linked with the increase in teen pregnancy and single-parent households too since it can lead to financial strain on families which often results from lack of parental support.

So where does this leave our communities?

There will always be those that choose not to get married or cohabitate, but we should care about the impact these trends may have because they affect us all.

Married couples purchase homes together at much higher rates than unmarried couples according to Freddie Mac data while children living with both parents perform better in general.

6. Divorce rate is higher among couples with children compared to those without children

TRENDING: Sexless Marriage ❤️ Does my Marriage Still Have a Chance⁉️

The National Center for Health Statistics recently released data showing that the divorce rate is higher among couples with children compared to those without children.

The research shows that 27 percent of all recently divorced men have at least one child, and 69 percent are co-parenting their children with an ex-spouse or other parent.

The age of men who are divorced in recent times is 44.

In the past, divorce rates were higher among younger couples but now typically occur later in life when children are involved and homes have been built together.

7. Crude Divorce Rate Increased From 14% to 18% Between 2000 and 2015.

This rate is the number of divorces per year, taking into account the crude population.

If you’re not sure what crude means, it’s referring to the population that’s not adjusted for demographics like marital status and age at marriage.

To calculate the rate, simply take the number of divorces in a country divided by the crude population multiplied by 1000.

The rate has increased over time but is still much lower than in the 1970s.

In 2015 it was 18%, whereas in 2000 it was 14%. The rate varies greatly between countries – from less than 0.05 divorces per 1000 to more than 50 divorces per 1000 people every year.

These rates are not only affected by how many marriages there are, but also by marital laws and gender equality within each country.

For example, Scandinavian countries have a very high rate due to their culture being so accepting of couples choosing to get divorced when they no longer find marriage fulfilling for both partners or if one spouse wants to move on with someone else without having an affair.

At a rate of 40.43, the country with the highest rate is Malta.

The lowest rates are in Chile and Puerto Rico at 0.30 divorces per 1000 people every year, which makes sense considering their catholic cultures where marriage is very important to them because it’s seen as a sacrament rather than just a legal contract or social obligation like other countries around the world see it.

Catholicism doesn’t recognize divorce even when there has been an annulment from church officials due to many reasons such as not following proper formality for marrying – one example would be if someone got married via proxy without ever meeting each face-to-face.

In addition to stressing the importance of marriage, Catholicism also advises against having a divorce unless there’s been adultery or abandonment from one partner.

Otherwise, it is discouraged by the church and seen as being immoral because you’re going against God once married even if things become terrible in your relationship.

Even though the rate has increased over time, they are still much lower than decades ago due to many reasons including fewer people getting married before age 30 – which has caused couples to wait until that age when they know for sure whether or not this person will be their spouse forever unlike younger years where feelings can easily change with just a few months passing by.

In 2015 only 23% were under 25 compared to 50% back in 1970, and in 2000 only 12% were under 25.

This is why these rates are much lower than in the 70s because it takes longer to get married now and we’re waiting until we know for sure whether or not this person will be our spouse forever, which makes sense considering how complicated modern relationships can become with so many options available such as online dating sites where there’s always someone new to meet every day after work or during lunch breaks at work if you have a computer handy without having to go out of your way.

In addition, the rate worldwide has increased from 11 per 1000 people back in 1990 compared to 18 per 1000 people today

meaning that more divorces happen each year but fewer marriages overall since the crude population increased over time.

8. Divorce rates are also higher when both partners work full-time.

Though there are many business opportunities and promotions, it takes a toll on family life.

A lot of disagreements arise with couples who both work full-time and this has led to more divorces and separations.

Divorce rates have been higher in the past 20 years as women now tend to be financially independent of their husbands or partners

compared to before when they were almost never able to do so without support from men.

This is because nowadays working mothers can actually afford child care

which allows them to go back into employment after having children.

However, this mode of living isn’t suitable for everybody.

This is why it’s important to note that the number of divorces has generally increased in countries where both parents go out to work.

There are rights for working mothers who have children under 16,

but these vary depending on which country you look at.

For example, in Australia, there are legal obligations regarding paternity leave and time off for fathers when they become a parent too.  

However, this varies from state to state within Australia.

In New Zealand, women can take up to 18 weeks of maternity leave while receiving pay based on their average weekly earnings or statutory payments

if they’re not eligible for parental payments by Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ).   

Fathers can also get two weeks of paid leave after birth with an additional two weeks unpaid.

The United Kingdom allows mums to take up to 52 weeks of maternity leave

which can be shared between both parents if they choose so.

Additionally, mothers are allowed one day off per week for antenatal care under the National Health Service (NHS)

and this is also applicable in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland too.   

This means that there’s a legal obligation on employers to allow you time off work during your pregnancy

or after giving birth as long as it doesn’t cause problems with their business operations.  

These rights have led families towards having more children since couples feel like they now have better support from companies

when they start raising kids together at home thanks to modern-day benefits offered.

This is also why divorce rates have increased in the past 20 years.

Even though it’s not useful to generalize about these issues, there isn’t any doubt that more women are choosing to become working mothers

than ever before and this has led to some challenges when trying to balance work with family life.

However, despite all of this information being available today, many couples still prefer having smaller families

since it allows them both to be able to focus on careers rather than bringing up children alone or spending time with kids while taking care of business at the same time too.  

Divorce rates are higher even among those who do not work full-time as well as those where only one partner works outside the home.

For example, in the United States, only 20% of married women with children under 18

…who work full-time are likely to get divorced compared to 35% among those with higher education levels.

Statistically, divorce rates have increased across most countries around the world including Canada and Australia

where they’re now at their highest point since the 1970s when it comes to couples having kids together.

The decrease in marriage is also evident as people prefer cohabitation over tying the knot legally nowadays

due to ease of access for modern dating platforms like Tinder or eHarmony too.

Overall, no doubt working mothers face more challenges today than ever before

which has led to an increase in divorces even if both parents don’t work outside of their home.

9. Women are more likely to seek a divorce than men.

That being said, 62 percent of divorces were initiated by women while only 38% were instigated by men.

Also, women tend to file for divorce at younger ages than men.

While the average age is 32 years old for a man who files, it’s 28 years old for a woman.

How This Affects You:

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If you’re a woman getting married, it’s important to know that statistically speaking,

your marriage is more likely to end in divorce than if you were marrying a man.

As such, make sure you take time and do as much research as possible before making the big decision.

Also, keep this information in mind when deciding at what age would be best for settling down with someone.

Everyone should engage in proper counseling, coaching, and therapy; at least counseling before engaging in marriage.

The minimum you need to learn is conflict and crisis handling.

Here are some additional 7 facts:

1. One out of every two marriages ends in divorce

2. There are over 2 million divorces a year

3. In 2012, there were 112 divorces for every 100 marriages

4. The average marriage lasts about 8 years

5. Divorce rates have increased by 50% since the 1990s and are expected to continue increasing over time.

6. The number of couples getting married has decreased, while the number of divorces has increased

7. 67% of remarriages end in divorce.

Conclusion: The Hopes for the Institution of Marriage

The institution of marriage is not as strong or popular as it once was,

but that doesn’t mean we need to abandon all hope.

There are still many benefits to getting married and most people who do get married will experience a happier life than if they had remained single.

People often think their only options for finding happiness in life are either through friends or family members.

However, there can be just as much joy found within the love and commitment of a spouse.

So don’t give up on this sacred institution without first considering how you might make your own marriage work better.

Some people are more successful in marriage than others simply because they have made a greater effort to make it work.

They understand that no relationship is perfect and that there will be ups and downs

but the power of their love helps them overcome any obstacle.

While some couples might try to avoid issues, these individuals seek out problems head-on

so they can resolve them together as partners instead of avoiding each other until the problem only gets worse.

Don’t be discouraged by the incredible and puzzling marriage statistics we’ve shared here. 

We are talking about romance here.

We are talking about the state’s approved, most fundamental, and successful human relationship.

However, we can’t deny that marriage is awesome and that most people consider it to be a great reward.

Don’t forget to download your free book Get My Marriage Back at: 

Also, check out the 30 minutes free coaching and discovery session that we will give you access to right after the download.

💔 How Many Marriages End In Divorce?

In this lesson, you will discover, not just how many marriages end in divorce, but how it is different for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd marriages.

I want to blame someone for divorces.  

I will also reveal some deeper insights to these lagging indicators which is a limitation to the only numbers and percentages that we know as I reveal in this lesson.

A few days ago, I was listening to a livestream on Youtube in the men’s community called the manosphere or “red pill” as they discussed the prevalent and unfortunate gender wars.

Before stumbling into this community a few months ago, I didn’t realize that there were so many men that could come off as so hateful to women.

I’ve always known about some women’s communities even as far back as when I was a child in the late 80’s to the 90’s.  

It’s mostly women who have had a certain type of experience in marriage who end up in these communities.  

I always knew that men had their own struggles.  But little did I know that some gurus had found ways to capitalize on it and build extremely toxic communities.

In the women’s communities, the rhetoric is typically “Men are Scum.”  They go back and forth with real-life stories emphasizing this belief.

What I found with the men’s community is the “logical claim” to avoid marriage altogether because of these first 5 stats, percentages, and figures.

Let’s dive right in.

Stat #5 – 70% of Divorces are Initiated By Women.

PREVIOUS POST: Marriage Advice 💔 The 5 Best Advices Ever For Modern Marriages

This data is according to a study conducted by the American Sociological Association in 2015, which by the way, the number jumps to 90% for university-educated women.

So the logic for the men in the red pill community is this.  

“If there is a 70% chance that the woman I love with my life will suddenly pull the plug for no damn reason, why should I get married?”

While that question is valid, it is also flawed in many ways. 

What if we assume that there are reasons that you as a mortal being just couldn’t see?  What if the question changes to… 

“Do I have some type of control or at least influence over my wife’s experiences and choices to stay a lifetime in our marriage or not?”

Well, it is easier for certain weak people to run for the exit at any level of exposure to potential pain and it’s harder to ask questions that true leaders continue to build empires with.

There is absolutely room for true leaders who are willing to learn what it takes to make the modern woman trust, respect and submit to the authority of marriage.

It’s really this simple.  The more empowered your wife feels the less she will tolerate certain types of disregard that women endured 50 years ago.  

As a man, you cannot afford to show up halfway in your masculine core to your marriage.  

It has nothing to do with honesty, integrity, and any obvious words people tend to throw around in these conversations.  Those are bare minimums for any human being

It has everything to do with how you are able to make your particular wife feel safe, secure, and loved consistently.  Consistency is an important ingredient.

If you are a typical woman, it’s about engaging the power of the almighty feminine energy and your awareness of how you can make it work for your marriage. 

Stat #4 – 45% Of All First Marriages End In Divorce

TRENDING: Marriage Problems? ❤️ These are 99 Issues Destroying Marriages

I find it interesting that most people don’t dwell on this number going into their first relationship or marriage.  But it becomes a thing, again, after certain types of experiences.

Also, this number is often inflated to 50% when these toxic online communities utilize these stats as talking points and you can imagine how scary that is.

Depending on your level of expectations of marriage as a bed of roses,

hearing these stats can throw you off a healthy base.

And it’s even worse when the audience has experienced heartbreak at any level.  They will naturally have their guards up.

With my experience and expertise,

I’ve found that such guards end up falling over and killing every chance of an awesome life and love for the person who puts them up.

Stat #3 – 60% Of Second Marriages End In Divorce

There are many people who end up in these toxic online communities wasting away time they could have been spending building themselves.

Eventually, they come back to being human and falling in love prematurely without healing.  So they end up creating even worse statistics than that of first marriages.

Avoiding marriage is essentially a false sense of security.  As we now know, love, connection, and contribution to others are basic human emotional needs.

Instead of avoiding it, it’s better to lean in and learn how long-lasting marriages work and what makes them work.

Running from marriage for most people is like running away from your own shadow; you will end up coming off as crazy and potentially hurting yourself along with others.

Stat #2 – 73% Of All Third Marriages End In Divorce

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As you can see, it just gets worse.  

Contrary to “know it all’s”, people don’t enjoy jumping from marriages to marriages only to destroy it all over and create even worse statistics.

It’s a void that they are trying to fill; love, connection, companionship, contribution, and significance.  

These are accomplished through relationships and more so fruitfully through long-term relationships and marriages.

Where they get it wrong is by not healing their pain properly with time, knowledge, mentorship, coaching, counseling and/or therapy.

Again, running from a marriage without proper self-reflection is like running from your own shadows.  You will start looking crazy, hurt more people and yourself.

Stat #1 – Correlation Between Economy & Divorce Rate

The United States has the 6th highest divorce rate in the world.  

Coincidentally, or is it? The United States is also the 6th greatest nation on earth presently.  

So is there a correlation between economic empowerment or not?

There is and it’s not necessarily just economic… but all types of empowerment (especially social empowerment).

For many men, this means we should discourage women from being empowered.  That may be a “logical solution” but is that a holistic solution?

Doesn’t that sound like a quick easy exit or escapism from much-required work?

Is logic not also a function of the human emotional and innate need for growth for both man and woman?  Don’t we all want some level of more freedom in our lives?

So tell me in the comment area what your thoughts are around this topic

so that we can create more videos enlightening and empowering ourselves as people in modern society.

Don’t forget to download your free book.

Get My Marriage Back at: 

Also, check out the 30 minutes free coaching and discovery session that we will give you access to right after the download.

Hit the like button and check out the video on the screen for more information

…on how to rekindle and build an awesome marriage and legacy without being a simp or a pick-me.

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Get My Marriage Back