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Relationship Problems? Got GAME? 4 Ways To LEVEL UP NOW 🎮✨

Do you have relationship problems?  It’s probably your partner’s fault and super-easy to just blame them.  But you probably also “lack game”.  Let’s find out.

Back when Kayode and Sharon were newlyweds, life was a whirlwind of love and excitement. They moved into a cozy apartment in Houston, full of dreams and plans for their future together. Every weekend, they would explore the city, discovering new restaurants, attending music festivals, and enjoying their shared love for adventure.

But as time went on, the honeymoon phase began to fade.

Kayode got a promotion at work, which meant longer hours and more stress. Sharon, who had always been a social butterfly, started feeling lonely and neglected. Kayode started feeling unappreciated for his hard work. Their once-vibrant relationship turned into a series of routine arguments and silent dinners. The spark that brought them together seemed to be dimming.

Kayode felt overwhelmed and frustrated, often bringing his work stress home. Sharon, on the other hand, felt isolated. She missed the days when Kayode would surprise her with little notes or take her out on spontaneous dates. The emotional distance grew, and their arguments became more frequent and intense. Sharon felt like she was living with a stranger, and Kayode felt like he couldn’t do anything right.

6 Tips To Navigating Trust Issues in Relationships

According to Sharon, Kayode used to be a loving, attentive husband, but the pressures of work and life made him distant and irritable.

Sharon was trying to escape loneliness and disconnection. They were both running from the reality that their relationship was in trouble. The more they tried to avoid the issues, the more they drifted apart.

One evening, after a particularly heated argument, Sharon confided in her best friend, who suggested enrolling in the Prestige Marriage Academy. Sharon scoffed at the idea, feeling like she had tried everything and was ready to file for divorce.

Sharon’s friend managed to share a Man of Prestige happy hour livestream with her. In that livestream, she heard me using the word GAME and was taken aback. She thought, “this is my real life and not a game.”

Today, we’re diving into something a little playful but incredibly profound – it’s called G.A.M.E. Now, before you start thinking we’re talking about playing games in your relationship, let me clarify.

I understand that you might view G.A.M.E. as not the most empowering way to approach a romantic relationship.

It may seem manipulative rather than fostering a genuine connection. I get it. But love is playful and not always serious. Lighten up!

Environments that are too serious can stifle and smother romance, especially in marriage. G.A.M.E. is a term used by young people to describe the ability to naturally attract and nurture romantic attraction. It means having the finesse to bag who they want. We are showing you that these influence and seduction skills can be learned. I encourage you to focus on the context here. This context involves giving value to your partner in a way that they can reciprocate your desires.

17 Signs of When to Walk Away From A Sexless Marriage

The context is about whether “you’ve got game” or not, not about “playing games or tricks” as some dictionary meanings might suggest. It’s about being the best version of yourself and bringing that into your relationship. It’s about your ability to create a positive, loving environment where your partner can thrive, especially in crisis or conflict.

G.A.M.E. is about cultivating essential skills for a strong, enduring romantic relationship. It’s all about G for Gratitude, A for Ability, M for Mindfulness, and E for Empathy. So, grab a seat, maybe a cup of tea, and let’s chat about how you can level up your game!

G for Gratitude: The Power of Appreciation

First up, we have Gratitude. It’s the art of appreciating what you have, paying more attention to and recognizing the positive aspects of your life, especially your relationship. When you focus on the good, it enhances your happiness and strengthens your bond with your partner. What you focus on expands; it’s part of the secrets of attraction.

Why is Gratitude Important?

Gratitude shifts your focus from what’s lacking to what you already have. This simple shift can make a world of difference in your relationship. When you appreciate your partner and the things they do, it creates a positive feedback loop. They feel valued and are more likely to continue those behaviors that make you happy. If you are familiar with the parable of talents in the scriptures, it’s the same concept. It steals your focus away from being a victim to engaging your influence and seductive powers. Gratitude is also the first core pillar in our proprietary 3 core pillars, G.P.S. namely, God/Gratitude, purpose, and self. Obviously, we are not talking about extreme cases of abuse. Talk to your coach and they should be able to tell you if you are in an extreme case or not.

Here are 3 Ways to Practice Gratitude:

  1. Daily Reflection: Take a few minutes each day to reflect on what you appreciate in your life and relationship. Be intentional with this more so than your intentionality around setting boundaries and detecting narcissistic behaviors. Most people are busy playing the game of defense only. There is no game you can win by simply playing defense, particularly against your partner who should actually be on your team. Think about your partner’s qualities, shared experiences, and even the small gestures that made you smile. That’s how to play offense against the forces that are attacking relationships these days; not your partners as most people do, seemingly rightfully, since they are the ones that seem to offend you the most.
  2. Gratitude Journal: Write these reflections down. Keeping a gratitude journal helps you remember and cherish these moments.
  3. Express Appreciation: Don’t just keep it to yourself. Tell your partner what you appreciate about them. A simple “Thank you for making dinner, it was delicious” can go a long way. A simple “Thank you for being my rock, I appreciate you” goes a long way.

Unrealistic EXPECTATION in Relationships & Marriages ❤️ 2 Reasons why it DESTROYS…

A for Ability: Embrace Personal Growth

Next, we have Ability. This is all about continuous personal growth. Striving to become the best version of yourself without pressuring your partner to change in the name of “it takes two to tango”.  Tango is a dance right?  It’s okay if you start dancing and invite your partner into a dance too. Your growth not only enhances your self-confidence but also makes you a more attractive and fulfilling partner.

Why is Ability Important?

When you focus on your personal development, you bring more to the table in your relationship. You become more confident, more interesting, and more engaged. Confidence is sexy to all genders. This, in turn, attracts a more compatible partner and strengthens the connection you already have.

Here Are 3 Ways to Enhance Your Ability:

  1. Identify Areas for Improvement: Take a good look at yourself; the mirror. What skills, habits, or aspects of personal well-being could use some work?
  2. Set Goals: Once you’ve identified areas for improvement, set realistic and achievable goals. It could be anything from learning a new hobby to improving communication skills.
  3. Learn from Your Partner: Your partner is a great source of inspiration and knowledge. Be open to learning from their experiences and perspectives. That doesn’t mean agreement.

This is easier said than done. If you are in the middle of a crisis or conflict, it will be difficult for you to level up your game. Talk to your coach. Running away from a relationship is often not helpful as your problem follows you everywhere like the shadow that it is.

If you don’t have a coach, click here to contact us right after downloading our books for free. The books are “Get My Marriage Back” and “#1 Red Flag.”

M for Mindfulness: Be Present and Playful

Moving on to Mindfulness. This is about being fully present in the moment, fostering a deep connection with your partner. It’s about appreciating shared experiences and deepening intimacy.

Why is Mindfulness Important?

Mindfulness helps you to truly connect with your partner. It allows you to appreciate the little moments that make up your relationship. So it’s very much congruent with Gratitude. Being mindful means you’re more likely to respond rather than react, especially during conflicts. Think about it. When it comes to engaging your power, you have to be mindful and intentional. When it comes to being a victim, sure others can victimize you, but you just need to feel like a victim to be one. Which would you rather be when you have an option?

Here Are 3 Ways to Practice Mindfulness:

  1. Mindfulness Exercises: Engage in practices like meditation, deep breathing, and even prayer. I am not talking about typical Nigerian “kill the witches” ways of prayer. That’s being a perpetual victim. I pray you won’t have to yield to that. I am talking about staying grounded and present.
  2. Active Listening: When your partner is talking, really listen to understand. When you can, put away distractions like phones and focus on what they’re saying.
  3. Be Present: During your time together, be fully present. Enjoy your partner’s company by showing interest in their expressions without the constant interruptions of daily life.

E for Empathy: Understand and Share Feelings

Last but certainly not least, we have Empathy. This is the ability to understand and share your partner’s feelings. It’s about building trust and creating a safe space for authentic expression from your partner.

Why is Empathy Important? Empathy builds a strong emotional bond between partners. It fosters trust and makes your partner feel understood and valued. This is crucial for any healthy relationship.

Here Are 3 Ways to Cultivate Empathy:

  1. Active Listening Again: Should you be reading minds? No. Just pay attention to your partner’s words and beyond; their emotions. Try to understand their perspective.
  2. Validate Emotions: Acknowledge your partner’s feelings without judgment. Let them know their emotions are valid.
  3. Nonverbal Cues: Pay attention to body language and other nonverbal signals. These can provide deeper insight into your partner’s feelings.

So, there you have it – G.A.M.E. in a nutshell. By focusing on Gratitude, Ability, Mindfulness, and Empathy, you can establish a strong foundation for a lasting romantic relationship. Remember, a strong relationship requires effort from your partner as well, but leveling up on your own G.A.M.E. can positively influence the dynamic and inspire your partner to reciprocate in ways that you desire.

So, take these principles to heart and start cultivating your G.A.M.E. today. Your relationship will thank you for it! And remember, I’m always here to help you along the way. If you need more tips or personalized advice, don’t hesitate to reach out by clicking here

Over there, you can also download our two books for free: “Get My Marriage Back” and “#1 Red Flag.”

Keep playing the game of love with gratitude, ability, mindfulness, and empathy. You’ve got this!

Frequently Asked Question

How can I strengthen my marriage?

Strengthen your marriage by practicing gratitude, continuous personal growth, mindfulness, and empathy through the principles of G.A.M.E.

How can I improve the quality of my marriage?

Improve your marriage by focusing on appreciation, personal development, being present, and understanding your partner’s emotions.

How do you rebuild a failing marriage?

Rebuild a failing marriage by embracing gratitude, enhancing personal abilities, practicing mindfulness, and cultivating empathy, as outlined in G.A.M.E.

What are the tips to solve relationship problems?

Practice gratitude, focus on personal growth, be mindful and present, and cultivate empathy.

What is the hardest time in a relationship?

The hardest time in a relationship is often when the honeymoon phase fades, and partners feel overwhelmed and neglected.

How to deal with relationship issues?

Address relationship issues by focusing on your own growth, practicing mindfulness, and showing empathy toward your partner.

How to fix a failing relationship?

Fix a failing relationship by enrolling in resources like the Prestige Marriage Academy to learn and apply the principles of G.A.M.E. (Gratitude, Ability, Mindfulness, and Empathy).

Marriage Problems? ❤️ These are 99 Issues Destroying Marriages

In this lesson, you will discover 99 marriage problems that causing this horrible statistic as seen below.

42-45% percent of first marriages end in divorce. 60% of second marriages end in divorce. 73% of third marriages end in divorce.

According to McKinley Irvin: Washington Divorce & Family Law Attorneys

These list may have a little redundancy and repetitive problems but we have to spell them all out as they are interpreted differently by different people.

Some of them are causes while others are effects but the list is not in any particular order.

According to another study, 85 percent of those who divorce remarry within five years.

This is an indication that remarrying is never the problem because it’s that easy to do.

For the most part, people carry their marriage problems into another relationship entirely.

You can get a full comprehensive solution if you are trying to save your marriage from our book, click here to get a free PDF copy and paperback and audio are available on Amazon.

These are the 99 Marriage Problems… each will be broken down below the list…

99 marriage problems
  1. Saying I do without knowing what is being done.
  2. Fear of being alone
  3. Fear of the unknown
  4. Low self esteem
  5. Anxiety
  6. Depression
  7. Sexless
  8. No PDA
  9. Selfishness
  10. No friendship
  11. Social Media
  12. Disconnected
  13. Lack of trust
  14. Confusing feelings with facts
  15. Discounting feelings
  16. Not feeling safe
  17. Not feeling acceptance
  18. Not feeling respected
  19. Prioritizing others over your spouse
  20. Prioritizing the children over your spouse
  21. Prioritizing extended family over your spouse
  22. Confusing family with extended family
  23. Needy behavior
  24. Lack of Sense of Self First
  25. Confusing truth with facts
  26. Confusing causes with effects
  27. Serial infidelity
  28. Attachments
  29. Reactions
  30. Expectation Overdose
  31. Routine overdose
  32. Lack of boundaries
  33. Boundaries overdose
  34. Not being intentional
  35. Honesty overdose
  36. Confusing in-love with true love
  37. Discounting fantasies
  38. Sourcing happiness externally
  39. Lack of personal purpose
  40. Discounting Psychology
  41. Discounting Emotional Affairs
  42. Confusing communication with a need to talk
  43. Confusing “let go” time with “fight” time
  44. The myth of the One
  45. The myth of soul mate
  46. Unresolved conflict
  47. The myth of closure
  48. Resentment
  49. Anger
  50. The myth of incompatibility
  51. Blame and Guilt
  52. Attack and Defense
  53. Argument
  54. The myth of “how to argue”
  55. Invisible Exaggeration
  56. Sarcasm
  57. Name calling
  58. The myth of “give and take”
  59. The myth of “it takes two”
  60. Emotional Shut-Out
  61. Dishonesty
  62. Pride and Unhealthy Ego
  63. Discounting the goodness of pain
  64. Confusing masculinity, femininity and gender role
  65. Apology overdose
  66. Not feeling hard
  67. inability to hear emotions
  68. Feeling unappreciated and unacknowledged
  69. Lack of Patience
  70. Can’t enjoy quality time together
  71. Feeling controlled
  72. Feeling manipulated
  73. Feeling blackmailed
  74. Spouse unwilling to work on your marriage
  75. Inability to Forgive
  76. Feeling like roommates
  77. Feeling bored
  78. Don’t discuss future together
  79. Walking on Egg Shells
  80. Libido Issues
  81. Inconsiderate Behaviors
  82. Not in with the times
  83. Lack of self awareness
  84. Low EQ
  85. Feeling unfulfilled
  86. Low tolerance
  87. Unhealthy competition/Tit 4 Tat
  88. Lack of gratitude
  89. Obsession with the past and future
  90. Not hanging out and having fun
  91. Lack of space
  92. Midlife crisis
  93. Outgrowing each other
  94. Age gap
  95. Hidden Principalities
  96. Childhood Trauma
  97. Finance Related Disagreement
  98. Illness
  99. Confusing Individual Change & Growth

QUESTION – “What should I as a friend say to my friend going through marriage problem? How do I actually help the situation without plugging my feeling?”

Marriage, friends family. Many people are concerned when they see friends go through marriage problems and issues.

Many people have an idea of what they think marriage should be like from the outside of marriage. They come off as judgemental and not very helpful.

What should you as a friend say to a friend going through it? How do you actually help the situation without plugging your own feeling?

Enjoy this edition of “Get My Marriage Back,” videos…

So let’s get into it.

Article Developing….

Frequently Asked Questions About Marriage Problems…

7 ULTIMATE Guide to SAVE & FIX a Broken Marriage

In this guide, you will discover how to save your marriage, how to fix a broken marriage and how to keep divorce far away forever.

1st Key (How to Save my Marriage) is God …. Not what you think…

I promised that if you stick to the end of this guide, it’s gonna make sense.

This is not some gimmicky thing that you see in most religions setting where we say it’s just “God.”

But trust that when we say number 1 is God, there is a practical reason behind it.

When you’re going through hard and tough times,

  • Losing yourself
  • Losing your spouse,
how to save my marriage

Who do you fall back on?

  • It’s not gonna be family.
  • It’s not gonna be friends.

Nobody’s gonna be there for you, even though they’re gonna try and be there for you.

They are going to think that they are there for you in their own way.

But they will be selfish.

It’s only God has that will become your source of unconditional love.

The alternative is to start telling the world that love is not enough.

So that was the only thing we could depend on for the much needed unconditional love.

This is why God comes first.

When your spouse checks out of you, you will feel like you have a broken marriage.

Click Here | How to my your marriage when one wants out…

If you are asking “how to save my marriage?” …your marriage is clearly not 100% of what you thought God ordained it to be.

The only thing that can fix it is unconditional love, a higher version of yourself or God.

Real love.

Not the “in-love” experience.

That’s different from real love.

You had the “in-love” experience with your spouse when you just met.

But you didn’t even know yourselves; the butterflies and all those things….

Both of you didn’t know yourselves.

So naturally, you had the “in-love” experience.

But you got to a point and got tested.

The only thing that can withstand that test is unconditional love.

The only source of unconditional love is God.

In fact, God is love.

So making God, the higher version of yourself than the physical, the center core, the spinal cord and foundation of your marriage is key.

When things go really bad, it’s the number one place you want to run to.

Essentially, you need to make sure that your spiritually health is very strong.

You got tested and you are being tested and more tests will come.

You’re probably going to a very horrible situation already.

If you have a strong spiritual connection, you’ll be able to attach the right meanings to whatever you’re going through.

We all go through stuff in life, don’t we?

What separates the losers from the winners are the meanings they attach to the things they go through.

That’s what’s gonna determine how you’re gonna come out on the other side because there’s another side.

Either you do it right or wrong, there is another side.

But what the other side looks like is gonna be dependent on your spiritual connection with your God so you can create what we call unconditional love.

Your spouse checked out on you.

That’s why you’re going to what you’re going through.

Maybe you’re the one that say you don’t want any parts of the marriage any more.

They still checked out on you.

That’s why you say you don’t want any more, right?

But even if it’s the other way around, it is the same thing.

Basically, it’s a 50-50 contribution to come to that place where you are.

The only thing that can help you at this point in time is to give them what they want.

If you feel like your spouse is hurting you, how could you possibly love someone that’s hurting you?

You’re not in love, naturally. But you can have unconditional love for them.

You can take the time to see what may seem like wickedness as a weakness, right?

You can let God do all the work because…

A lot of time, you’re probably in the way of God trying to help you fix that.

Have you read the book “Get My Marriage Back”?

The 2nd of the 7 keys guide to save my marriage… can be found at this post….

Frequently asked Question on How to Save a Failing Marriage…

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