Do you feel like your wife is no longer sexually attracted to you?
First of all, every marriage is different.
But there are some things that are universal when it comes to signs that a woman is not attracted to you.
Some things are very peculiar to your particular relationship with your wife.
Well, let’s assess together and see if she’s no longer attracted to you or it’s simply just your feelings.
Sometimes, how you feel can be far away from the reality of things.

In this video newsletter,
I will share 19 different signs you should look out for
…in order to determine the level of your wife’s attraction to you.
Keep in mind that attraction in any given moment in time is temporary.
So the last thing you want to do is overreact if you feel like your wife is not attracted to you;
at this very moment.
The key phrase there is “in this very moment”.
These signs are only valid if they never existed before but now your recent suspicions.
Sign #1 – One-Word Answers
If you get a one-word answer every time you ask your wife open-ended questions,
that’s a sign that she’s probably not attracted to you at this point in time.
That’s a sign that your wife is not interested in a conversation with you.
An open-ended question is a question that requires somewhat of an elaborate insight, and opinion.
Average human being loves to share their opinions under normal circumstances.
If your wife has gotten to a place where she’s no longer interested in sharing her thoughts
and opinions when you create opportunities for her to do so,
That could be a sign of low attraction.
If that suddenly starts happening from time to time, over and over, consistently over time,
…you should look into finding out the underlying reasons.
ON THE PREVIOUS POST: How to Deal with an Unsupportive Husband
Sign #2 – She is Disrespectful
When a woman is not attracted, her behavior may start coming off as disrespectful.
What is disrespectful?
To be honest with you, it depends on how you feel and the unique Dynamics in your relationship with your wife.
So if you feel like she’s being disrespectful, you would know because you know what it feels like when she’s not being disrespectful.
A woman that does not respect you cannot love you; at least they can’t be in love with you at this moment.
So with respect to how things normally are in your marriage to your wife, if you feel like she’s being disrespectful,
Then she clearly is not interested in the intimacy that you are used to in your marriage.
A woman who is attracted to you will not be disrespectful to you.
Sign #3 – She Suddenly Started Avoiding Argument
Arguments are extremely toxic, they create slow but sure death for intimacy and attraction in a marriage.
By the way, a man who understands women does not argue with women and it’s really that simple.
It really doesn’t matter if we are talking about your wife or your mother.
A disagreement is not the same thing as an active argument.
With that being said, if your wife used to engage in argumentative conversations with you and she suddenly stops,
That could be a sign that she’s losing respect for you.
If she has to lead in any capacity consistently, over time, she will lose respect and attraction towards you.
In a little bit of a twisted way, the sudden stop is a sign that she is no longer interested in needing you to be on her side of an argument.
It’s not the argument that she’s avoiding, it’s a conversation with you that she’s avoiding, granted that the argument may have gotten to that toxic level.
While I do advise every couple to avoid argument, being dismissive is not the way to go about it.
Avoiding it should be more of a deliberate Act of building your relationship with your significant other and never about “being dismissive.”
But she is a woman who may have had to lead in avoiding arguments in your marriage; she cannot be attracted to you right now.
If things have gotten to that toxic level where one of the parties is now being dismissive, that could be a sign of loss of respect.
As I stated earlier, loss of respect is almost if not equivalent to loss of attraction.
TRENDING: How to Save my Marriage – 7 STEPS ❤️
Sign #4 – She Stopped PDAs
PDA stands for Public Display Of Affection.
As always, this sign is only valid if you are used to a wife who used to be very interested in public display of affection such as:.
- Cuddling
- Hugging
- Kissing
- Holding hands and so on
If she suddenly stopped showing interest in these things that could be a sign of low attraction.
But like I said, if the Dynamics of your marriage were never like that, this may not be an indication of anything with respect to attraction.
I do think it’s weird when I see married couples who don’t flirt at all because most couples that are attracted to each other tend to do these things.
Sign #5 – She Never Initiates
In most marriages, there’s always one of the spouses who initiate sex most of the time because of unmatched sexual appetite.
However every now and then, the one who doesn’t will take it upon him or herself to switch things up and that’s usually an exciting spontaneity for the couple.
But if you’re in a situation where she never initiates at all, there’s a chance that she is not attracted to you; at least not sexually.
There may be other signs outside of the scope of this video newsletter, but it really doesn’t matter as the solution is the same across board.
If you’re feeling like your wife is not attracted to you in recent times, the solution I will recommend to you has everything to do with just you and you only.
Start paying attention to some self-love, self development and less attention to how your wife may be feeling.
Allow your wife to wonder about what you are up to.
If you take some time off wondering about how much attraction your wife feels towards you, that alone can make her start to feel attracted to you again.
But also, you will be literally building yourself to attract the type of love that you desire and deserve.
If you allow her room for her to wonder about what you’re up to, that’s literally almost if not the equivalence of building attraction back up in your relationship.
Sign #6 – Lack of Physical Intimacy
If your wife shows a significant decrease in interest for physical intimacy, such as avoiding cuddling, kissing, or engaging in sexual activities, it could be a sign that she is not attracted to you.
You might want to start paying attention. But it’s not time to overreact.
Sign #7 – Limited Eye Contact
When your wife avoids making eye contact with you or seems disinterested in maintaining eye contact during conversations, it may indicate a lack of attraction.
Under normal circumstances, she couldn’t wait to look at you in the eyes and here what you have to say.
Sign #8 – Decreased Compliments
If your wife used to give you compliments frequently but has stopped doing so, it could be a sign that she no longer finds you attractive.
Note that this only matters if she used to but suddenly stops.
Sign #9 – Lack of Interest in Your Life
When your wife shows little interest in your hobbies, achievements, or daily life events, it may indicate a lack of attraction and emotional connection.
Again, she normally would want to be a part of it.
Sign #10 – Increased Criticism
If your wife frequently criticizes your appearance, behavior, or choices without offering constructive feedback, it could be a subtle way of expressing her lack of attraction.
Sign #11 – Emotional Distance
When your wife becomes emotionally distant, avoids sharing her thoughts and feelings with you, or seems uninterested in deepening your emotional connection, it may indicate a loss of attraction.
Sign #12 – Prioritizing Other Activities
If your wife consistently prioritizes other activities, such as spending excessive time with friends, working late, or engaging in hobbies without including you, it could be a sign that she is not attracted to you.
Sign #13 – Lack of Affection
If your wife rarely shows affection, such as holding hands, hugging, or offering gentle touches, it may suggest a diminished level of attraction.
Sign #14 – Frequent Excuses
When your wife consistently comes up with excuses to avoid spending time with you, going on dates, or engaging in activities together, it could indicate a lack of attraction.
Sign #15 – Change in Appearance
If your wife suddenly starts neglecting her physical appearance, stops dressing up for you, or doesn’t make an effort to look attractive, it may suggest a decrease in her attraction towards you.
Sign #16 – Avoidance of Intimate Conversations
When your wife avoids discussing topics related to your relationship, future plans, or emotional intimacy, it could be a sign that she is not attracted to you.
Sign #17 – Lack of Initiating Communication
If your wife rarely initiates conversations with you, avoids texting or calling first, or seems uninterested in maintaining regular communication, it may indicate a lack of attraction.
Sign #18 – Increased Time Spent Apart
When your wife starts spending more time away from home, regularly making plans without including you, or seeking opportunities to be alone, it could suggest a waning attraction.
Sign #19 – Lack of Support
If your wife shows a lack of support for your goals, dreams, or aspirations, and doesn’t offer encouragement or enthusiasm, it may suggest that she is not attracted to you or invested in your success.
Nurturing Your Authentic Self: A Path to a Fulfilling Relationship
In the complex experience of relationships, it’s not uncommon for individuals to lose a part of themselves along the way.
The vibrant, magnetic aspects of one’s personality can gradually fade, leaving room for over-seriousness and even a hint of misery to take their place.
While it might seem easier to attribute these changes to external factors, it’s crucial to recognize that often the source of transformation lies within us.
So this is about the journey of self-discovery within relationships and marriage, shedding light on why fixating on signs of waning attraction from your partner, girlfriend or wife) might inadvertently lead you down a toxic path.
The Unraveling Story: Navigating Change in Relationships
Check out this comment:
“Although I’m not personally married, I’ve been in a committed relationship with my girlfriend for a considerable amount of time. Over the course of our relationship, I’ve noticed that the charismatic, confident, and humorous aspects of my personality that were initially present seem to have diminished. Instead, I find myself often being overly serious and even somewhat miserable. This shift in my demeanor makes me feel confined and trapped in a state of mind that doesn’t truly reflect who I am or want to be. While I’m uncertain about the exact cause of this change, I consistently find myself trying to break free from this mindset, albeit with limited success. Strangely, my efforts sometimes come across as forced, which is frustrating since they shouldn’t feel that way. I want to clarify that I don’t place the blame solely on my girlfriend; rather, I recognize that the issue lies within me and this particular state of mind.”
Rediscovering Your North Star: Purpose and Authenticity
Whether you’re a boyfriend or husband, this situation can be indicative of a detachment from your personal sense of purpose and life goals.
It’s said that an idle mind is a devil’s play ground. It’s important not to create a distinct separation between the dynamics of unmarried relationships and marriage itself. In your case, this holds especially true because you remain the common factor.
While it’s true that attempting to forcefully revert to your previous state can be counterproductive, it’s equally important that any efforts to rediscover your purpose are genuine and sincere.
Taking time for self-improvement and reconnecting with your life’s purpose shouldn’t feel contrived. This is precisely why identifying your own sense of purpose is crucial.
The Perils of Obsessing Over Signs
Now, let’s take a step back and address an important perspective. Often, in the quest to maintain a successful relationship, we tend to become hyper-aware of signs indicating potential issues.
It’s important to recognize the thin line between being vigilant and becoming overly preoccupied with these signs. Fixating on signs that your partner might be losing attraction to you can inadvertently lead you to lose sight of your own identity and perpetual attraction evaporation.
Your relationship shouldn’t define you; it should complement your authentic self.
Why Obsessing Over Signs Can Be Toxic
Loss of Identity:
Constantly seeking signs of your partner’s attraction can consume your thoughts, causing you to neglect your personal growth and aspirations. Remember, a flourishing relationship is built upon two individuals who are independently fulfilled.
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy:
Obsession can lead to behaviors that drive your partner away, thereby confirming your suspicions, even if they weren’t entirely accurate initially.
Negative Energy:
Focusing on negative signs breeds negativity, making it difficult to maintain a positive and nurturing environment within the relationship.
Communication Breakdown:
Overemphasis on signs can hinder open communication. Instead of discussing concerns, you might jump to conclusions, deepening misunderstandings.
Embrace Your Journey of Self-Discovery
In the end, relationships are journeys of growth, both individually and as a couple. Instead of fixating on signs that may or may not hold weight, invest your energy in cultivating your own sense of purpose and authenticity.
Understand that changes in dynamics are natural, and evolving within the relationship is part of the process.
As you embark on this journey, remember that a healthy relationship blossoms when both partners are committed to nurturing their own well-being while fostering a supportive and genuine connection. Your relationship should be a source of inspiration, not a measurement of your self-worth.
Navigating the Murky Waters When Your Wife Isn’t Attracted to You Anymore – 10 STEPS

If you’ve found your way here, chances are you’re facing the disheartening situation of feeling like your wife isn’t as attracted to you as she once was.
First off, take a deep breath.
Relationships are like roller coasters—lots of ups, a fair share of downs, and the occasional loop-de-loop that leaves you feeling a bit queasy.
Let’s delve into this together, with a focus on understanding, empathy, and a dash of patience.
Step 1: Why the Funky Feeling?
The initial step in this odyssey is to figure out why you’re feeling this way.
Is it a gut feeling or something she’s explicitly mentioned?
It’s crucial to pinpoint the root cause before venturing further into the maze of emotions.
Step 2: Sherlock Mode Activate!
Now, channel your inner detective to unearth what might have gone wrong.
Relationships are intricate, and sometimes issues can hide in the corners, playing peek-a-boo.
Could it be work stress, personal struggles, or perhaps something within the relationship itself
Investigate with a gentle touch, avoiding accusations.
Step 3: It Takes Two to Tango
Sure, it’s tempting to put all the blame on external factors, but take a moment of introspection.
Could your actions or inactions have nudged the attraction needle in the wrong direction?
Honest self-reflection is the key to growth.
Step 4: It Might Not Be About You
Sometimes, it’s not about you at all.
Life can throw curveballs, and her feelings might be tangled up in a personal struggle that has nothing to do with your relationship.
Approach her with genuine concern, sans any assumptions.
Step 5: Check-In, Not Checkmate
Approach the conversation with your wife delicately. I
t’s not about cornering her or making it about you; it’s about genuinely checking up on her well-being.
Ask open-ended questions and listen actively.
Let her express herself without the looming shadow of lost attraction.
Step 6: Manage Expectations
This isn’t a superhero movie where one conversation magically fixes everything.
Manage your expectations, my friend.
This is a process, not a one-time solution.
Assure her that you’re there for her, whatever she needs.
Step 7: You Matter Too
Amidst all the relationship turmoil, don’t lose sight of your personal well-being.
It’s okay to feel a bit lost, but remember, you are an individual outside of the relationship, and your mental health matters.
Step 8: The Root Cause Analysis
Ever heard of the term “root cause analysis”?
It’s not just for project managers.
Apply it to your relationship.
Start with an open and honest conversation, focused on giving rather than taking.
You can’t meet needs you’re unaware of.
Step 9: Temporary Vs. Permanent
If the bedroom seems to be lacking some heat, don’t assume it’s a permanent winter.
Feelings fluctuate, and if you label it as an everlasting problem, you might just make it one.
Patience, my friend, is a virtue.
Step 10: Believe, but with a Twist
If your wife explicitly states she’s not sexually attracted to you, believe her.
But here’s the twist—it’s a temporary situation.
Nothing in life is set in stone, and feelings, like seasons, can change.
Frequently Asked Questions
It can be because of an array of so many things. There are some general signs as described in this video article. But it could reasons that are particular to your specific romantic story.
Wives also tend to desire less and less time with a husband they are not sexually attracted to. But it doesn’t necessarily mean she is attracted to someone else. It could be.
The only way to tell if your wife is flirting with another man is to actually know for a fact when you find evidence. But I would be careful with the obsession to find what may not even be the issue.
There are 2 possible reasons. You are probably feeling insecure or she is giving you reasons to feel insecure. Which one is it? Only you can answer that.
Micro-cheating is fundamentally different from cheating because of a lack of intentionality in an act that could be considered infidelity.
Soft-cheating is fundamentally different from cheating because of a lack of physical intercourse in unfaithfulness.
These are apps designed to be sold to insecure partners who wants to track and find evidence that their partners are cheating.
I want to assume that you have adequate and physical evidence of cheating. If you do, simply share that with her. If what you have is a witness, you need to decide already if you want to stay with her or not.
If she suddenly seems to complain about everything you do, she may have interest in other people. You may also be wrong with whatever she is complaining about.
First identify you want to know if your wife is emotionally cheating and take it from there.
No. This is not a normal behavior. But it’s neither a crime. When you engage in abnormal behavior, it is also smart to create rules to stay guided.
It’s easy. Simply decide that you are done with the marriage and then start researching hidden apps for cheating. Good luck.
If she’s interested in someone else, she will start spending time with someone else. A lot of time, she might start virtually via a smart phone.
Take a step back, evaluate the situation, and initiate a gentle, open conversation to understand her perspective.
There could be various reasons—stress, personal struggles, or issues within the relationship. Effective communication is key to unraveling the mystery.
Approach the situation with empathy, manage expectations, and assure her that you’re there for her. Focus on understanding rather than fixing.
It’s not about making her feel something; it’s about fostering open communication, addressing issues, and letting feelings naturally evolve. Patience is your best ally.