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“My Wife DISRESPECTS Me” 9 Points Advice for you Especially in Separation… ❤️

In this lesson, I am sharing a 9-point marriage separation advice in order to give you the best chance to attract your spouse back in love with you.

At the bottom of this page, you will find the question that inspired this lesson.

Marriage Separation Advice - My wife disrespects me

(1) Give Yourself Space

It’s most likely that your spouse has asked you for space.

So if that’s the case, it’s very important that you don’t see it as a bad idea because frankly you probably need the space more.

You just can’t see that, because rejection breeds obsession.

Take advantage of the space apart to build a better “you”.

(2) Don’t Overrate Affairs

While your spouse may be distracted by an emotional or physical affair with another person, don’t highlight it.

The affair will never be worth what you have already shared with your spouse

But it is important that you showcase being unbothered by anything or anyone outside of the relationship you have with him or her.

The worst thing you can do is to spend your space apart bickering about affairs; it will only expand and you will push your spouse further away.

(3) It Takes One But…

Insisting that you stay together is not going to help save your marriage as much as attracting your spouse back.

It only takes one person to create attraction but that requires a process and insisting otherwise will interrupt that process of attraction.

Instead, let go as it only takes “you” to build attraction which is the single most important thing that is missing right now.

(4) Don’t Use/Abuse Children

The marriage separation period will come with a lot of temptations

And one of them is trying to inflict emotional abuse and blackmail on your spouse.

Another one is abusing your children as a tool to accomplish that goal.

It always backfires.

The most common one, believe it or not, is not as obvious as you may think.

It happens more in the form of manipulation under the pretense of protecting the child or children.

What you want to do is stay focused on what you want and don’t want

And leave the children out of it even if that’s painful for you emotionally.

Your emotional feelings are temporary.

The only exception to this, is physical abuse of the children; in that case, it would be non-negotiable to get the children removed from harm’s way.

(5) After 3 Months, You are Free

It’s not advisable to engage in transgressions with other people during separation but we are all humans.

Technically, you are free to move on after 3 months of lack of sexual relationship when it is not medically related in my personal opinion.

But also in my personal opinion, the most profitable and worthwhile thing to work on in this period is self growth.

If you don’t, transgression and the lifestyle that comes with it can destroy everything you care about.

It can be even worse when it’s done in retaliation.

If you decide to move on, seek legal counsel to avoid exposing you and/or your children to unfavorable legal loopholes.

(6) More Actions/Less Talking

That should be pretty clear but be careful not to confuse certain inaction with emotional centered-ness.

For example, don’t abandon your children and/or your normal responsibilities in the name of less talking.

That would be irresponsible and such behavior will continue to lower your spouse’s attraction towards you.

Just keep in mind that changed behavior is the best apology.

So for the most part, verbal apology will work against you because of the expectation for instant results.

Stay away from arguments, approval seeking behaviors and focus on building your self during this period.

(7) You Allow Disrespect

If there are any type of disrespect and/or disregard from your spouse during your separation, ask yourself first,

“How did I put myself in that position?”

“How did I allow that”?

You need to take the time to extract the answer to that question as it will help with clarity as you move into the new phase of your marriage.

The bottom-line and the result of this exercise should be that no one should be taking anyone for granted again.

When you take yourself for granted, your spouse will see it as a permission to take you for granted if they are weak like most people.

(8) Never Bribe for Sex

Don’t manipulate with whatever you do for your spouse, children and family at this time as a bribe for sex.

It will work against your desire.

Do it if you find it honorable to do and you don’t have to if you don’t feel like it.

The worst thing you can do is do it and then blame them for not reciprocating.

(9) Work on Yourself

That should be self explanatory.

Use the marriage separation period to build yourself and attract the love and affection that you deserve.

It’s simple but I agree…

It’s easier said than done.

Below is a question for us to address with this lesson…

“ I really enjoy your content on IG: @LOLAandOLA and I need to ask you a question.

In April 2017, my wife said she wanted space for 2 weeks because we were not in a good place and she was distracted by an affair at the time.

Initially, I objected and wanted us to get a fresh new start.

She did not return and recently found out she is in a full blown now having sexually intimate moments with her partner on the same bed as my 6 years old daughter who told me she’s uncomfortable.

As a christian, am I totally free without guilt to remarry even though we are not officially divorced.

I’m not going to crawl and beg her.

I did all I could to fight and save the marriage. But it’s clearly not working out.

She finds joy in disrespecting me and talking to me anyhow, rudely and distastefully.

Mind you, I am financially okay and earn 8-figures per annum.

I still give her monthly up-keep, 120K per month, for my daughters, excluding fees, clothing… until 2019 January when I stopped for many reasons.”

Enjoy the video.

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“MY UNFAITHFUL WIFE ⁉️” ❤️ Get My Marriage Back 14

QUESTION ⁉️ “I caught my wife twice being unfaithful.

I asked her how come she is like this. She said because I don’t give her attention.

So I said, when I don’t give you the attention you need, I should worry about you flirting with other men behind my back?

Now she feels insulted because I don’t trust her.”

Saving your marriage after infidelity and lies is absolutely possible; not easy but simple. It takes a high level of personal emotional intelligence and strength.

The fact that it is not easy is what makes it extremely rewarding as you will discover in this video.


How To Save Marriage After Infidelity And Lies

“CHEATING SAVES MARRIAGES?” ❤️ Get My Marriage Back 11

Not exactly but you will discover in this video how all things work together for higher and diving purposes; twisted and weird but with God nothing is impossible.

The ultimate goal when saving your marriage after all is happiness… Here is the question…

QUESTION ⁉️ “Hi. My husband and I have been together for 5 years. During the summer, I was shocked to know that she was getting to know another girl.

His excuse was that the were just friends and nothing happened between them. Whenever touched his phone, he’d go crazy trying to take it away.

He even stood up for the girl and refused to end the so-called friendship with her. I dumped him for 3 days

He tried to reach out .I tried to forgive what he did. When we got back together, he started acting distant; not even holding hands.

Whenever I tried to call it quits, he’d beg me to return. After 5 months of being neglected by him trying everything I could to get his attention back, he finally came back to his senses.

So we got back together, but then I started feeling choked, didn’t want the relationships, went into depression and broke up with him.

I didn’t feel the need to talk to him although I always asked my sister about him because they are friends.

On New Year’s Eve, I got jealous because I saw his picture with some other girls. We got back together but since then, I keep on giving excuses to just get away from him although I truly love him.

I keep on thinking that I should leave him,I just be with someone else but I don’t want that. I’ve been suffering from an eating disorder because of this situation and I don’t know how to fix it.

It’s like one day I‘m fine and happy with him but other days I’m afraid I’m going to lose him because of these thoughts.”


How Cheating Can Save Your Marriage

7 ULTIMATE Guide to SAVE & FIX a Broken Marriage

In this guide, you will discover how to save your marriage, how to fix a broken marriage and how to keep divorce far away forever.

1st Key (How to Save my Marriage) is God …. Not what you think…

I promised that if you stick to the end of this guide, it’s gonna make sense.

This is not some gimmicky thing that you see in most religions setting where we say it’s just “God.”

But trust that when we say number 1 is God, there is a practical reason behind it.

When you’re going through hard and tough times,

  • Losing yourself
  • Losing your spouse,
how to save my marriage

Who do you fall back on?

  • It’s not gonna be family.
  • It’s not gonna be friends.

Nobody’s gonna be there for you, even though they’re gonna try and be there for you.

They are going to think that they are there for you in their own way.

But they will be selfish.

It’s only God has that will become your source of unconditional love.

The alternative is to start telling the world that love is not enough.

So that was the only thing we could depend on for the much needed unconditional love.

This is why God comes first.

When your spouse checks out of you, you will feel like you have a broken marriage.

Click Here | How to my your marriage when one wants out…

If you are asking “how to save my marriage?” …your marriage is clearly not 100% of what you thought God ordained it to be.

The only thing that can fix it is unconditional love, a higher version of yourself or God.

Real love.

Not the “in-love” experience.

That’s different from real love.

You had the “in-love” experience with your spouse when you just met.

But you didn’t even know yourselves; the butterflies and all those things….

Both of you didn’t know yourselves.

So naturally, you had the “in-love” experience.

But you got to a point and got tested.

The only thing that can withstand that test is unconditional love.

The only source of unconditional love is God.

In fact, God is love.

So making God, the higher version of yourself than the physical, the center core, the spinal cord and foundation of your marriage is key.

When things go really bad, it’s the number one place you want to run to.

Essentially, you need to make sure that your spiritually health is very strong.

You got tested and you are being tested and more tests will come.

You’re probably going to a very horrible situation already.

If you have a strong spiritual connection, you’ll be able to attach the right meanings to whatever you’re going through.

We all go through stuff in life, don’t we?

What separates the losers from the winners are the meanings they attach to the things they go through.

That’s what’s gonna determine how you’re gonna come out on the other side because there’s another side.

Either you do it right or wrong, there is another side.

But what the other side looks like is gonna be dependent on your spiritual connection with your God so you can create what we call unconditional love.

Your spouse checked out on you.

That’s why you’re going to what you’re going through.

Maybe you’re the one that say you don’t want any parts of the marriage any more.

They still checked out on you.

That’s why you say you don’t want any more, right?

But even if it’s the other way around, it is the same thing.

Basically, it’s a 50-50 contribution to come to that place where you are.

The only thing that can help you at this point in time is to give them what they want.

If you feel like your spouse is hurting you, how could you possibly love someone that’s hurting you?

You’re not in love, naturally. But you can have unconditional love for them.

You can take the time to see what may seem like wickedness as a weakness, right?

You can let God do all the work because…

A lot of time, you’re probably in the way of God trying to help you fix that.

Have you read the book “Get My Marriage Back”?

The 2nd of the 7 keys guide to save my marriage… can be found at this post….

Frequently asked Question on How to Save a Failing Marriage…

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Broken Relationship? Fix it Here $985

Get My Marriage Back