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5 Stages that Leads to a Sexless Marriage 💔

So what is a sexless marriage?

A sexless marriage is a marriage where sexual intimacy has dried up for 3 months or longer.

You should wait till 3 months to find this out.

Anything after a week should initiate a loving conversation and not an argument.

Let’s get into the stages and signs…

What is a sexless marriage and what are the signs and stages?

(1) She doesn’t love you anymore will lead to a sexless marriage

If your spouse is starting to tell you that he or she doesn’t love you anymore, it’s not bad…
But it’s not as bad as it feels.

You should acknowledge the feeling without overreacting to confirm that he or she is right.

That reaction alone can stop the painful direction of your marriage.

(2) If you are confused (especially as a man), in time you will increase the chances of a sexless marriage.

If you are confused about the direction of your marriage or relationships, that’s okay.

That’s just how you feel right now.

If you know anything about feelings, you know that they are temporary.

However, feeling sustained confusion is a feminine energy but men can feel it as well.

But when a man continues to express sustained confusion in words, a woman will start to feel less and less attraction for him.

That dynamic will move more in the direction of a sexless marriage as he also won’t be sure of when to make a move and seduce.

Not being sure of yourself is another feminine energy.

Anytime I say “men”, you can use that interchangeably with the dominant partner in the relationship.

(3) The fear or threat of divorce will create a sexless marriage.

In fact, you will attract what you fear the most when you either threaten your spouse with divorce or your fear it.

What you focus on will expand; either negative or positive.

Your intentional and unintentional actions have a way of aligning with what you focus emotional energy on.

(4) She doesn’t want PDA

If your spouse suddenly stops wanting public display of affection (PDA) from you,

You are probably moving in that direction of a sexless marriage if not there already.

So suddenly, she stops wanting to kiss.

Your first step is to ensure that you are clean and breath is not stinking.

Put some effort in making sure that you can physically seduce your partner.

Seduction should never end on either ends but the reality is that one partner may have more strength in that area than the other..

Naturally, we all get complacent and stop seducing each other.

Commit to catching it when he or she is retracting from the usual PDA and make sure that you improve…

Before asking… “Is everything okay?”

And then, listen carefully to what the concerns may be.

However, if your spouse has always been that way due to background, culture, personality, and etc. that’s a different issue altogether.

(5) Arguments Everywhere

Arguments are not the same as disagreements.

They are pointless repetitive clarification of points that leads to bad energy and kill attraction.

So if you do engage in enough arguments, you should not be surprised about ending up in a sexless marriage.

If you don’t feel that arguments kills sex, attraction, relationships, and marriages, there is a high chance that your partner disagrees with you.

In fact, if you bring it up, it will cause an argument… and create a vicious cycle of a sexless marriage..

What about… “wife says she loves me but not in love with me.”

Loving you is decision she made at the altar and being in love with you is a feeling that she doesn’t have right now.

The keyword phrase is “right now”. It’s temporary and it can only be permanent if you don’t work on bringing attraction back into your marriage.

But the first step is to stop panicking about that and learn how listen to her emotions without involving much of your emotions.

Couples counseling can help with this kind of stuff.

My wife says she doesn’t love me anymore and wants a divorce.”

Same issue; don’t panic about this temporary feeling.

Don’t attempt to work on her. Instead work on yourself and build a self that will attract her back to you and a better relationship.

Make her earn you back.

The same attraction and self worth issues can be worded and a few different ways.

“My wife loves me but doesn’t desire me.”

“My ex said she doesn’t love me anymore.”

“Wife doesn’t love me but won t leave.”

Obviously, she REALLY doesn’t want to leave. It’s an attraction issue and it starts with you, the complainer.

“I don ‘t love my wife anymore but she loves me.”

So why are you complaining… I know why.

You are just not attracted to her right now.

But maybe you are afraid of leaving. That’s feminine energy.

Decide what you want to do and move on from the misery.

If you keep dragging her in your misery, she may eventually bring out her masculine energy, decide for you and leave.

Then you will hate yourself and want her back suddenly; may be you need to see her with another man first.

You don’t have to be with her if you don’t want to.

But for your own good, learn how to be decisive like a man in his full essence and you will attract the woman that you desire.

You need to read the book “Get My Marriage Back” 10-15 times.. it will help in taking control of your emotions.

It may be her and may be not, but she will always respect you as a man.

Click Here to Take the 2 Minutes Sexless Marriage Quiz

Below is a question for us to address with this lesson…

“I have a problem.

My wife wants to separate.

She said she doesn’t love me anymore but she also said,

I love you because you are the father of my kids and also because of the struggles we’ve been through.

We have been together for 11 years and I still love her.

What can I do? I’m just so confused.

We haven’t even talked about a divorce.

She has never brought it up and of course I don’t want a divorce.

This is just so confusing.

We still live together with our kids in the same house.

We still have sex and sometimes we kind of flirt.

But she doesn’t want to kiss me like she is afraid as if something.

It’s just so weird.

She said she doesn’t love me but she still has an affection for me so it’s very confusing.

It’s like do you love me or not.

And also, she has a big pride; she wants to be right all the time and never says she is wrong even when she is.”

Enjoy the video.

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You may like this… “Is it too late to fix my marriage?”

and When to walk away from sexless marriage…

How to Reverse a SEXLESS MARRIAGE ❤️ 5 SECRETS That Works

In this lesson, you will discover 5 SECRETS of how to reverse a sexless marriage using seduction and ancient attraction methods.

… PLUS make it your spouses idea.

This is more relevant if you are experience low attraction as opposed to a medical related condition.

15 percent of married couples are sexless: Spouses haven’t had sex with each other in the past six months to one year

NY Times

Quick Question from a Reader to Help with this lesson ⁉️

“Hi. I have a very tricky situation here. My wife and I are considered soul mates by the time we’re dating and made many other couples jealous about intimacy.

Until the birth of our first child. Fast forward till now, 5 years of marriage. My wife has severely low libido and I get denied for over a year.

Or I can say less than one time of intimate session a year after marriage. I result to prostitute a year ago which I bailed out of; I did not have sex with the prostitute.

Because I love my wife dearly, I felt guilty anyway; but I did not let my wife know.

But the real problem is that it hunt me down recently which my wife found out through my browsing history when I searched up the location for quick relief a year ago.

Now my wife has her heart shattered but will still stay with me. As she say, I’m the only guy she will be with till the end of time but she mandates that she will no longer engage in sex with me.”

How to Reverse a Sexless Marriage - Rekindle your Marriage

(1) This is an Opportunity

Problems are opportunities in disguise.

A sexless marriage is clearly a terrible experience for anyone to be experiencing.

So there is a good chance that the attitude and energy you are creating as a by-product is perpetuating that.

Use this opportunity to build yourself and show case a brand new person who doesn’t need sexual validations from your spouse.

In essence, acting like you really need sex will decrease the chances of getting some.

Once you bring sex back into your marriage, it’s going to be that much better than many couples’ mediocre sexual exploits.

So get excited.

Even if you are trying by yourself while your spouse says it’s too late, disregard because it’s time to learn something new.

Get your free copy of the Get My Marriage Back Here

FREE PDF | Paperback/Kindle Amazon | Audiobook Audible

(2) Root Cause Analysis

You need to identify when it started.

If your sexless marriage is an issue that you have experienced in your marriage from the beginning, you need to identify that.

You need to do the same if you feel that it started somewhere later.

For example, it could have started after a child birth.

Once you figure that out, the rest of the steps below becomes that much easier towards a better sexual and intimate sessions.

(3) How to Reverse a Sexless Marriage with Self Love & Self Esteem

In life and especially in marriage, no one is usually going to give you what you are able to give yourself.

In this case, we are talking about how to reverse and rekindle sex in a sexless marriage.

If your spouse feels that you can’t attract anyone else and have sex outside of him or her,

…he or she will have a hard time with feel attraction for you.

This is especially true if you are in the middle of other marriage related crisis as no one single factor can lead you to a sexless marriage.

… unless it is medical in nature.

That’s not to say you should go out and engage in uncontrollable behavior and infidelity.

But you should probably carry yourself a little differently from a confidence stand point.

(4) Forgiving Yourself is Required Step towards Reversing a Sexless Marriage

What would you do differently if you knew that you have not offended your spouse?

How would you carry yourself if you are so confident that he or she wants you sexually 3 times a day?

Compare the answers to your anxiety and reactions as related to your present concerns.

There are chances that things have happened that makes you show up with self-blame and guilt.

Write out whatever that behavior is and do the opposite.

It will transfer your anxiety to your spouse and make them wonder if he/she has been replaced.

Attraction will subsequently increase.

(5) Become a Student of the Art of Seduction & Attraction and Reverse your Sexless Marriage.

If you have been married for any amount of time, you know that many aspects of marriage is ups and downs.

You need to approach marriage deliberately and intentionally especially when you experience crisis.

It’s better on the other side of just winging it and going along with your feelings.

Marriage can be predictable when you learn a few seduction and attraction skills specially with a person you already know.

Stop feel sad (lack of self control) and take the steering once and for all.

It all comes down to attraction.

Even beyond sex…

If there is low level of attraction, your spouse will abuse you at least emotionally.

Click Here to Take the 2 Minutes Sexless Marriage Quiz


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Broken Relationship? Fix it Here $985

Get My Marriage Back