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“What Do You Do When Someone REJECTS Your APOLOGY?”📍 John Gray

Question: “What do you do when someone rejects your apology?”

Say for example you have a spouse that is just hard headed, you have to give them time.

That’s just what it is.

When you say “I’m sorry” and they are like “No, get out of my face. I don’t wanna see you right now”,

… You have to respectfully remove yourself out of their face.

What do you want, do you want to be punched in the face?

You can’t force down an apology.

Clearly you did something that made this person very mad so you gotta give them time.

PREVIOUS POST: “How Do I Ask My Husband For FORGIVENESS?”📍 John Gray

Also, you don’t get to measure how big the thing is like “But at least I didn’t cheat”.

No you can’t say that.

It doesn’t matter how little the thing is because it’s really up to how that person feels.

That person may feel like this is a big deal that you left your shoes in the corner of the house,

…that could be annoying to them.

So, What do you do when someone rejects your apology?

TRENDING: Stop the Divorce Archives – Lola & OLA

If someone rejects your apology it clearly means you are not listening.

Your apology was rejected because that person may be asking for something else.

They probably just want a little bit of time.

Sometimes it’s the behavior that will show that they have not accepted the apology or that they haven’t forgiven you.

That means time.

For how long, I don’t know.

That will depend on the person and where they are coming from.

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“How Do I Ask My Husband For FORGIVENESS?”📍 John Gray

Question: “How Do I Ask My Husband For FORGIVENESS?”

The same thing goes for this question though it’s a little bit different…

because clearly the person asking this question is admitting that they were wrong.

That’s why they are thinking of forgiveness.

It’s different from an apology.

Apology is like “I guess that’s what I need to do”.

Forgiveness is like “You know I F**ked up. How do I ask for forgiveness?”.

So, how can somebody ask for forgiveness from their husband?

… or is it easy for you to ask for forgiveness?

Well, for our natural self, it is hard to ask for forgiveness but asking for forgiveness will give us peace of mind.

Previous Post: “How Do I APOLOGIZE for HURTING My Wife?”📍 John Gray

First of all, you have to admit that you are wrong.

So maybe the real question is, “Is it easy for you to admit you are wrong?”…

Even that question is bastardized because if you are wrong, you know you are wrong.

If you are asking for forgiveness, you are already saying “I’m wrong.”

So asking for forgiveness when you already know you are wrong should be easy… but clearly it’s not easy because…

It depends on what you did and with the person you are with.

Some people are not forgiving.

You could ask for forgiveness and they would say “Okay I heard you…” but then they are not ready to forgive you just yet.

They are hurt and they can drag you for years for that.

So, how do you ask forgiveness to your husband?

The same thing with apology goes with asking for forgiveness.

Changed Behavior.

It’s changed behavior and let the person relax and let them process what just happened.

Don’t shove it down to their face.

You have to have a lot of patience if you are asking for forgiveness.

Lots of patience and generosity with time because the more time there is, the more they will be open to receiving what you have to say.

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And the good thing with that is, now you have time to back it over with your behavior.


Especially if your behavior has actually reflected that.

Though we don’t support you asking for forgiveness over and over again.

You have to do it one time.

Maybe once or twice and it’s done.

The rest has to be your changed behavior.

That’s what really matters.

But some people are just asking for forgiveness like “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” every small thing they’d say I’m sorry.


You are making things worse and you are being annoying.

You need to know when you are being annoying.

So you have to give them time to process things.

Some people may have a hard time to forgive because it’s very hard for an average human being to forgive.

Once you hurt a person, it’s a trust issue.

It will be hard for him to open up again because you’ve built a wall in the future.

So for them to open up again you need time.

If you had a good time with this person in the past or anything like that, they will remember.

They will start reflecting if you stay out of their face.

But if you keep pushing to fix everything now… that will work against you.

Asking over and over again… let’s put into logic a little bit, if you do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result, that’s called insanity.

The same thing, like don’t think your apology is all suddenly going to fix things.

Forgiveness will require a lot of follow ups… even cheating, because even the follow ups are not apologizing.

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It’s really following up with your changed behavior.

Using your words is manipulative because you are trying to use the word to fix that person or to get them to forgive you right now.

And if it was that easy we can just pull forgiveness out of everyone.

So it takes time because we are spiritual.

There is a soul that has been tampered with and those kinds of things have to be healed.

It had to be repaired.

“How Do I APOLOGIZE for HURTING My Wife?”📍 John Gray

Question: “How do I apologize for hurting my wife?

John Gray is in the hot seat right now and is probably hoping that this whole thing will die down but he is not helping either because he issued an apology and I think we should play the apology first before we get into anything .

Here is John Gray’s apology:

I wanna take this moment to tell you I’m sorry. I’m sorry for the areas of my life that I left unattended. That I was apathetic about. The areas where I have treated the calling of God, the grace of God and a hand of God casually in my life. For every area of behavior that has dishonor the holiness of God, I wanna tell you I’m sorry. There have been a number of things and blogs, some of them accurate, some of it not…

His apology maybe is the right thing to do because he is a pastor in the church.

But talking to his wife, it just feels like it will cause more embarrassment.

For me, I don’t like the loud noise.

That’s bringing so much attention to us so in the moment we should shut it down.

TRENDING: 5 Signs Your wife is NOT Attracted to You ❤️

Let’s be quiet in the moment…

How do I apologize for hurting my wife?

What’s the right way to do that?

I don’t think you need to apologize to your wife in public… that can be done privately.

Apologizing in public is just an immediate reaction trying to save face, especially when the issues are so fresh right?

One thing you don’t want to do is feeding to the media,

… like right now they are talking about you and the next thing you wanna do is “Oh I’m sorry… blah blah blab

The natural thing to do is want to react so I feel that he should have just left that for the moment and deal with his issues privately.

Church, yes because he is a pastor and I understand that he needs to say something, but I don’t like the public.

Well maybe the wife likes that, or she prefers that, but I don’t know because there are different kinds of women.

Some women can be like “you know what you dragged me out there, then I want you to apologize to me publicly“.

For me personally it doesn’t help.

I always come from the standpoint of “you are right”.

If you think you are right, you are right!… like who am i?, I don’t have the right to tell you you are not right.

That’s applicable to everything in life including relationship, marriage, apologies or whatever.

HAVE YOU SEEN THIS: More Video on our YouTube Channel

If you feel like the right thing for you to do is to apologize, then you are right…

Now is that going to create the result you want, that is the story that we really should be talking about.

See, if you are worried about whether it is the right thing to do or not, you are always right.

Whatever you feel is right is right.

Is that gonna create the result that you’re looking to achieve, that’s where the work is and that’s where a lot of people miss it.

With that being said, the only time it will be right for you to tender an apology to either a wife or husband or anybody is when that person is asking for it.


Because you listen, that person is asking for it.

So if the person is asking for it and you truly feel that you should apologize, and there is nothing wrong with apologizing but if you are tendering an apology as a form of reaction to being called out.

You just got called out… you did something wrong and you just want to fix it immediately for the misery to go away.

The first thing that goes to your mind is to say I’m sorry.

That I’m sorry is gonna do more hurt.

It can be considered manipulation because you are manipulating.

That apology will hurt more than it will help you create the result you are looking for.

So, How Do I APOLOGIZE for HURTING my wife?

Well, first of all the best apology is Changed Behavior.

That’s gonna take time so there’s time and patience involved.

That means they may not be willing to hear you out right now, the best thing you want to do is stay away from giving them your mouth in every way that you can think of.

You stay away from that.

Let things calm down.

Let things simmer before you give apologies.

That’s why the apology that John Gray gave is premature.

It cannot possibly be authentic because it’s a reaction form of apology…

but how do I apologize for hurting my wife?


Changed Behavior.

Take your time.

If she asks for an apology, then you can tender that in the form of words but the best apology is not words.

Your apology in the form of words is a lot more useful when the person is asking for it.

5 Tricks to Fix Your Marriage ❤️

Want to know how to fix your marriage using 5 simple tricks that work 100% of the time?

You see people, including your spouse, are predictable.

That is to say you too can learn a few tricks to attract the love you deserve and desire.

I have to assume that you are experiencing a crisis in your marriage now and that must feel terrible to live in that kind of misery.

Your spouse has probably shut down and is using these moments to emotional abuse you and your marriage.

Use these 5 simple tricks to turn all that around and fix your marriage.

How to Fix Your Marriage Using 5 Simple Tricks

(1) Relax

Rejection breeds obsession.

So the feeling of rejection that you are experiencing at the moment will naturally give you the illusion that the world is about to end.

You and I know that it couldn’t be further from the truth.

So the first step is for you to take back the control of your emotion

And keep in mind and prepare that more triggers will show up temporarily to make you lose it.

Be determined to stay in control.

Here is good book to read as you do…

(2) Listen & Give

This is a marriage and you should always only go into relationships to give; not give and take.

The very act of complaining shows that you are in the taking mode and as you can see, it’s working against you.

Sure it’s not easy to “give” to a person who is not giving love back to you but I am not asking you to give love.

But you need to find opportunities to give.

So you have to listen effectively in order to determine what will be received when you give.

For example, if a spouse is shut down, they are asking for space and that’s an opportunity to “give” some space.

Here is another article: Marriage Separation Advice

In fact, I would argue that you also need that space to regain back your emotional control and escape potential emotional abuse.

Remember.. No one can abuse you emotionally unless you allow it.

Focusing on giving has a direct correlation with fixing your marriage successfully but it must accompany a generous level of patience.

How much you give has a lagging and not a leading indication in your marriage.

(3) Avoid Predictable Reactions

You are responsible for your actions and your reactions are your actions.

Essentially, you don’t get to say “he or she made me do it.”

You are an adult and…

Therefore you are responsible for your actions even when you are not willing to take responsibility.

But you are in a better position of control when you take responsibility without confusing it with guilt and/or self-blame.

When a spouse shuts down, it tends to create triggers for overreaction in many aspects.

So one of the tricks you can use to fix your marriage is to identify scenarios where you would normally overreact and simply do the opposite.

This trick is not a one size fits all.

If you are normally dormant in reacting, then you should gain courage and speak up using words.

But say what you want to say once and leave it there. Arguments will create an undesirable effect.

The idea of this trick is to not be predictable; being predictable kill attraction.

If you can successfully make your spouse wonder why you act the way you act, it will build attraction and with patience, you will fix the marriage.

(4) Detach from Feelings

You are probably feeling like your spouse is no longer in love with you right?

Well first of all, know that feelings are temporary in nature and tend to exaggerate the reality of what’s going on.

So start with how you feel… you are probably exaggerating naturally.

And if you are not exaggerating, your spouse has probably expressed that feeling in words. “I am not in love.”

The in-love is a feeling and it reflects hurt; that’s okay because that can be fixed.

In-love is not love… that’s just butterflies.

And you can probably figure why he or she feels that way at the moment; it’s temporary if you use trick #3… RELAX.

It is better to not get attached to how you feel and your spouses’ expression of how they feel.

Instead, focus on creating a new alternate experience and be patient because it will create a lagging indication and not a leading indication.

That means you will see moments that feel like your effort is not reflecting but that’s a feeling; focus on giving.

But don’t forget to give to yourself too.

(5) Avoid Approval Seeking Behaviors

Some are very quick to apologize but there is a problem with that.

There is blurry line between:

  • Apologies
  • Seeking Approval and
  • Manipulation

These, including apology itself, are not attractive behaviors and it is better in a marriage and relationships to focus on changed behavior.

Changed behavior is the best apology and it’s also attractive as it makes you less predictable in the eyes of your spouse.

You should only apologize once if you feel you should and only if your spouse specifically asks for it.

Think about it, if you have to apologize over and over, you are probably not going to get a different result that you desire with doing the same thing over and over.

In general, avoid approval seeking behavior as it indicates lack confidence and that’s very unattractive at subconscious levels.


You are not meeting your spouse for the first time so fixing your marriage will be a process.

But it’s worth it because of the level of personal growth that comes with giving over and over when it seems like you won’t receive.

It’s worth the process and your marriage will last that much longer.

Below is a question for us to address with this lesson…

“I need help.

I have a wife and she doesn’t talk to me near her mom and dad.

She says she is shy but sometimes she talks to me and sometimes she doesn’t.

Only sometimes she doesn’t talk to other guys but I don’t know if she loves me.

She says she does but I don’t believe it.”

Enjoy the video.

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Does Marriage Counseling Work? ❤️ Help For Marriage

QUESTION ⁉️ “My wife was a military veteran for 15 years and was divorced twice. She then spent 20years unattached.

I met her and we got married after a short courtship. Several of my friends said that she and I weren’t suited. I disagreed but it seemed they were right.

We argue all the time; almost daily. I tried the time-out method. She just follows me and continues chopping in my ears.

We are in counseling but don’t seem to work. I am at my wit end. How do I make this relationship work?”


Average Length Of Marriage Counseling

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