Broken Relationship? Fix it Here $985

Get My Marriage Back

The Ultimate Marriage Quiz

Welcome to the Ultimate Marriage Quiz where you will be able to assess your marriage for survival

… or becoming the dreaded 50% divorce-rate statistics.

Start the Marriage Quiz Here...

My marriage is bleeding towards divorce very fast and all our attempt to communicate end up in argument.
I don’t feel free with expressing myself and my feelings with my spouse.
My marriage brings pain to my soul very deeply and I have never had to face this level of challenge in my life.
On a scale of 1-10, my attraction level towards my spouse is...
I believe that my spouse is the chosen one for me and my soulmate. I don’t see myself with another person in the future.
My biggest fear is losing my spouse. So I will do anything to save our marriage.
My spouse has fallen out of love and I feel hopeless because I don’t think our marriage can survive without us both in love
Based on my experience, I don’t feel that love is enough now... at least not anymore.
My marriage comes before my career life and/or business. But career is not functioning at full potential right now.
My spouse is selfish, doesn’t care and I feel like our marriage will crash the very moment I stop putting in any effort.
As a communicator, I feel like my spouse is a poor communicator and it has led our marriage down this path.
I feel like I don’t have my own space when it comes to this marriage.
If my spouse and I get locked in a room with nothing to worry about, we will hump (have sex with) each other like rabbits for at least 15 minutes.
I am confident in my ability to save our marriage all by myself.
Our present decision making process as a couple does not involve or reflect my personal desires.
I tend to put my spouse’s desire above mine.
We have so many good times and memories in our time together and in our marriage.
I fantasize quite often about life without my spouse.
I treat my spouse like royalty.
We fight so much that I can’t fight no more.
I think my partner is a good person.
I try to help my spouse with constructive corrections.
I let go and forgive super-easily.
My spouse is very mean with words and it hurts like hell.
We have sex at least 2-3 times per week.
I get very sarcastic with my spouse so that my point cuts across when we argue or disagree.
I look forward to coming home to my spouse when I am out.
My partner rolls eyes indicating that what I have to say is garbage even before I say the first word.
I love myself more than I love my partner.
I am afraid of speaking my mind because I know it will get me no-where.
I have other friends I feel more emotionally connected to than my spouse.
My spouse and I still go out on dates.
My spouse is not happy unless he/she controls every situation and conversation.
My spouse thinks I over-react and is oblivious to the fact that we have serious issues.
My partner threatens me with divorce and use ultimatums to manipulate me.
I think I want divorce but I am scared of moving on despite the fact that I already gave up on talking because it only ends up in argument.
My partners utters rude remarks at every attempt to communicate.
My partner is very selfish and consistently complain about nothing.
On a scale of 1-10, my partner’s attraction level towards me is...
My partner is attached to me in a toxic way and I feel smothered.
I am no longer attracted to my partner and I am not sure if I want to save my marriage.
I have fallen out of love and I feel there is no hope because it isn’t fair to hold my partner hostage in a marriage without love.
I love my partner so much and I wonder why the marriage is suffering.
My partner puts the career life and/or business over our marriage.
I am selfish right now, could careless and I don’t feel like I have the strength to put in further effort in saving our marriage.
My partner is arrogant and acts like my parents and that has to lead our marriage down this toxic path.
My partner is asking for space.
If my spouse and I get locked in a room with nothing to worry about, we will not be comfortable looking at each other in the eyes because attraction is dried up.
I am not confident in my ability to save our marriage by myself.
Our present decision-making process as a couple involve or reflect my personal desires.
My partner always put personal desires above the greater good for both of us.
Our experience together in this marriage is full of toxic memories.
I think my partner is fantasizing quite often about life with someone else.
My partner treats me like royalty.
My partner is a snob.
I think my partner is a nobody without me.
My partner acts like a know-it-all.
I am not sure that I can forgive my partner... may be I can forgive but I will never forget.
Sometimes, I say things that I don’t necessarily mean out of anger to my partner.
We have sex at most once per month.
My partner get very sarcastic with me when we argue or disagree.
My partner look forward to coming home to me.
I can pretty much predict that my partner will only say nonsense to me even before a word is said.
My partner is afraid of speaking his/her mind and that gets us no-where.
My partner has other friends or family he/she is more emotionally connected to than me.
My spouse and I have not gone on a proper date in a while.
I am not happy because my partner’s ideas do not make sense and I can’t fix things the way I want them.
I think my partner over-reacts and when, in fact, our issues are no big deal... they are simply blown out of proportion.
After making enough effort with no rewards, I will have to file divorce because it makes no sense to be living like this
I am tired of fighting for this marriage.
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ultimate marriage quiz

What is the Marriage Quiz?

The ultimate marriage quiz is designed to help you identify where your marriage is presently; terms of its chance to survive or crash.

As a matter of fact, your marriage has a 50% chance of surviving based on the statistics that we all know across different societies.

So the marriage quiz is an assessment that is quite necessary for most married people to take in order to assess health of their marriage.

The Problem with Marriages Today that this Marriage Quiz Addresses

While it is true that …

Marriage is an institution… Recognized around the world as a unit structure for family and society…

It presents unique sets of challenges for both husbands and wives even with a decent level of intelligence and knowledge.

The reason is that intelligence, semantics, dictionary meanings and common sense tend to have limitations

…around only things you can see, hear and smell.

In fact, your intelligence and “everything you believe in” will be tested…

And you will (at least initially) lose yourself at some point.

This One Factor is Responsible for 80% of the Energy that Creates a Healthy or Toxic Marriage.

When dealing with another human being such as your wife or husband, you are responsible (unfortunately) for how they “feel.”

Your partner may not express his or her feelings in a way that your eyes, ears and nose can perceive or sense.

You are still responsible simply because you (as an adult) made a choice to commit to them.

So the only solution when it comes to marriage is to master your partner from an emotional stand point.

But it starts with mastering your emotions as a reference point before you can even remotely come close…

To understanding another human being emotionally.

The 1st Marriage Quiz or Assessment that we Used!

At the 9 years mark, our marriage hit a wall and we had to do something about it; one person ran for the hills and the other shut off.

Pick up the book GET MY MARRIAGE BACK and read it 10-15 times to find out who ran away and how.

As you can imagine, none of these 2 strategies or temperament-show-out was the healthy choice.

But thank goodness, one of us found the way to the 5 love languages assessment which we found through the actual book.

And to say the least, it was an eye opener.

Who is this Marriage Quiz for?

This marriage quiz is designed for individuals to assess the health of his or her marriage.

And not necessarily to master the love language.

Because there is a good chance that you already feel like your marriage is in a bad place.

That’s what this intensive and comprehensive marriage quiz is all about.

It’s for marriages in potential crisis already and your first test is your patience level to complete the assessment.

Peep What People are Saying About the Ultimate Marriage Quiz

“I knew it was abnormal for me to cry to bed every night but I also felt tremendous guilt for feeling like I should throw my marriage away.”
~ Claire Moss

“This quiz was the starting point of the redemption of my marriage.
It became extremely easy for me to heal and attract her back once I took the assessment. Good stuff.”
~ Jim Morales

“Wow. My instant results gave me so much clarity and insights that no one in my circle was able to help me identify.
I needed this because frankly our marriage was drowning fast.”
~ Kendra Morrison

Success Stories & Testimonials

How to Use the Ultimate Marriage Quiz to Assess Your Marriage

The ultimate marriage quiz is absolutely free.

And it contains 70 questions for you to answer and/or acknowledge to the best of your knowledge of your situation.

But you can only see 7 questions per page; making the module a total of 10 interactive pages.

So as soon as you complete the last question on each page, it will automatically load the next 7 questions into the page.

The questions are mostly ‘agree/disagree’ type questions

…with 2 ‘scale of 1-10’ questions designed to be friendly and interactive.

Here is my Guarantee if you Use this Marriage Quiz to Assess the Health of your Relationship

There is no guarantee in life especially marriage even if you are a perfect person based on most people’s assessment.

So should you give it all up?

Of course not.

And that’s why we created this marriage quiz; it’s precisely…

Because we know that most people approach marriage with leaning on their own understanding and “righteousness”.

Why you would Skip the Quiz

The quiz could be skipped if,

  • You are in a perfect marriage or…
  • You are not in a perfect marriage but you haven’t felt enough pain that you can relate to your marriage.

Either way, it is understandable.

And we can just hope that you have the tools to handle the inevitable crisis and conflict that test all marriages.

Why You Should Get Started Now!

Just by reading the question of this marriage quiz…

You will already gain tons of insights that you can apply immediately towards a healthy marriage.

It’s the best thing you can do in order to attract a healthy marriage and love from day to day and for the rest of your life.

Click Here to Start the Marriage Quiz Now!

The best way to find out is to pay attention to the question of LOLA & OLA’s ultimate marriage quiz.

We have create 70 questions to assess the health of your marriage.

It’s called the ultimate marriage quiz.

When you take LOLA & OLA’s ultimate marriage quiz to assess your marriage, you will extract some great insights about your spouse.

Should I Save My Marriage?

When considering whether or not to save a marriage, it is important to take into account both partners’ feelings and needs. It is important to consider whether both partners are willing to make the necessary changes to improve the relationship. If both partners are willing to work on the marriage, then it is worth considering saving it. It is also important to consider the possible consequences of not saving the marriage. If there are children involved, it is important to consider their best interests. If the marriage is no longer healthy, it may be best to end it. Ultimately, the decision to save a marriage should be made by both partners, taking into account their own feelings and needs.

8 signs a marriage cannot be saved

When a marriage is struggling, it can be difficult to know when it’s time to throw in the towel. There are certain signs that indicate a marriage cannot be saved, such as…

  1. One or both partners having a complete lack of respect for each other,
  2. A lack of communication, or
  3. A lack of trust.
  4. If one or both partners are unwilling to work on the marriage, that is also a sign that the marriage cannot be saved.
  5. If the partners are unable to forgive each other, or
  6. If they are unable to talk through their issues, then the marriage is likely beyond repair.
  7. If one or both partners are having an affair, or
  8. If they are using drugs or alcohol to cope with their problems, then the marriage is probably not salvageable.

These are all signs that a marriage cannot be saved, and it is important to recognize them in order to make the best decision for both partners.

Frequently Asked Question

Should I Save My Marriage?

When considering whether or not to save a marriage, it is important to take into account both partners’ feelings and needs. It is important to consider whether both partners are willing to make the necessary changes to improve the relationship. If both partners are willing to work on the marriage, then it is worth considering saving it. It is also important to consider the possible consequences of not saving the marriage. If there are children involved, it is important to consider their best interests. If the marriage is no longer healthy, it may be best to end it. Ultimately, the decision to save a marriage should be made by both partners, taking into account their own feelings and needs.

How do I know if my marriage is worth saving?

When considering whether or not a marriage is worth saving, it is important to look at the relationship objectively and honestly. It is important to consider if both partners are willing to put in the effort to make the marriage work and if the relationship is still fulfilling for both people. It is also important to consider if there are any underlying issues that need to be addressed, such as communication problems, trust issues, or infidelity. If both partners are willing to work on the issues and make the necessary changes, then the marriage may be worth saving. Ultimately, it is up to the couple to decide if they are willing to put in the effort to save the marriage.

What are the first signs your marriage is over?

The first signs that a marriage may be over can be subtle and difficult to recognize. One of the most common signs is a lack of communication between the two partners. If communication has become strained and difficult, it can be a sign that the marriage is in trouble. Other signs can include a lack of intimacy, a lack of respect, and a lack of trust. If one or both partners feel that they are not being heard or that their needs are not being met, it can be a sign that the marriage is in trouble. If one or both partners are seeking comfort or attention outside of the marriage, this can also be a sign that the marriage is in trouble. If any of these signs are present, it is important to seek help from a professional to work through the issues and determine if the marriage can be saved.

How do you know when to call your marriage quits?

Deciding when to call it quits in a marriage is a difficult decision to make, and one that should not be taken lightly. It is important to consider all aspects of the marriage, including communication, respect, trust, and commitment. If any of these aspects are lacking, it can be a sign that the marriage is not working. Additionally, if there is a pattern of hurtful behavior or abuse, it is important to consider ending the marriage. If both partners are unable to work through their issues and find a way to move forward, it may be time to call it quits. Ultimately, it is important to remember that marriage is a commitment, and if it is no longer fulfilling that commitment, it may be time to make the difficult decision to end it.

Can I save my marriage?

Saving a marriage is no easy feat, but it is possible with dedication and hard work. It takes two people to make a marriage work, so both partners must be willing to put in the effort to make it successful. Communication is key to resolving any issues that may arise in a marriage, so it is important to be open and honest with your partner and to listen to their point of view. Additionally, it is important to focus on the positive aspects of the relationship and to be willing to forgive and move on from any disagreements. Finally, couples should seek professional help if needed, such as counseling or therapy, to help them work through any issues they may be facing. With dedication and commitment, it is possible to save a marriage and make it stronger than ever.

Is my marriage over?

The end of a marriage can be a difficult and emotional experience. When a couple decides that their marriage is over, it can be a heartbreaking and difficult decision to make. It is important to recognize that the end of a marriage is not necessarily the end of a relationship. Many couples who decide to end their marriage are still able to maintain a positive relationship with each other, even if it is not a romantic one. It is important to remember that the end of a marriage does not mean the end of love or respect for the other person. With patience, understanding, and communication, it is possible to maintain a healthy relationship after the end of a marriage.

Is my marriage worth saving?

When a marriage is in trouble, it can be difficult to decide whether it is worth saving or not. It is important to consider both the emotional and financial costs of staying together and the potential benefits of staying together. If both partners are committed to making the relationship work and are willing to put in the effort to make it succeed, then it is definitely worth saving. It is important to communicate openly and honestly with each other and to seek professional help if needed. With the right attitude and dedication, a marriage can be saved and both partners can find happiness and fulfillment in the relationship.

Should I take a marriage problem quiz?

Taking a marriage problem quiz can be a great way to assess the health of your relationship. It can help you to identify any potential issues that you and your partner may be facing, and it can provide you with insight into how you can work together to improve your relationship. The quiz typically consists of a series of questions that ask about communication, trust, and other aspects of your relationship. By answering these questions honestly, you can gain valuable insight into the issues that are causing tension in your marriage and how to address them. Taking a marriage problem quiz can be a great first step in improving your relationship and ensuring that it remains strong for years to come.

A marriage quiz can be a great tool for couples to use to assess their relationship and identify areas that may need improvement. It typically consists of a series of questions that ask about communication, conflict resolution, financial management, and other areas that are important for a successful marriage. The answers to the questions can help couples gain insight into their relationship, identify areas of strength and weakness, and come up with ways to improve their marriage. Taking a marriage quiz can be a great way for couples to get an honest assessment of their relationship and work together to make it stronger.

Should I leave my husband for another man?

Making the decision to leave a husband for another man is a difficult and complex one. It is important to consider all of the potential consequences of such a decision before taking any action. It is important to consider the impact on family and friends, as well as any legal and financial implications. It is also important to consider the impact on the other man, as well as the impact on the husband. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of the situation and to make sure that the decision is made for the right reasons. Ultimately, the decision to leave a husband for another man is a deeply personal one, and it is important to take the time to consider all of the potential outcomes before making a final decision.

Broken Relationship? Fix it Here $985

Get My Marriage Back