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Get My Marriage Back

5 Positive Signs During Separation

Quick story.  About 7 months ago, she decided to go for trial separation but things have basically been in a limbo since then.

At the time, she was 8 months pregnant and taking care of 2 kids at the same time with no help whatsoever from the husband.  

She would complain but he would just apologize and promise to work on it; then repeat the same cycle over again.

So she got tired of the empty promises and went for the trial separation.  She thinks she is seeing some changes now but not too sure if he’s faking it or he’s actually doing the work.

There have been times in the past that she thought things were better even up to a year ago, forgave… but now… she wouldn’t even allow him to touch her.

She claims the sex was horrible because of how she felt towards him at the initiation of the trial separation.

Though she took full responsibility for her portion of the decline in the marriage, he refused to see any issues which left her with no choice but to let him figure himself out.

Hence the separation that started 7 months ago.

Now, she is feeling much better but wants to know if there are any positive signs to look out for during this separation to determine if it’s working in the favor of the marriage or if it’s a lost cause.

So we want to share just five signs with you to look out for to determine if a good and healthy reunion is in sight.

Sign Number 5

Becoming Friends

Becoming FriendsSadly in these modern times, most people trying to fight for their marriage end up in big English grammatical echo chambers where all they will learn is how to diagnose their partners psychologically.

You will hear diagnoses such as narcissism, controlling, insecure etc… to the point where they don’t know how to recognize normal interaction any longer.

The sad part is that people, even when they are not professionals or have any experience, will make blanket bold statements such as once a… (fill in the blank)… always a (fill in the blank.)

So it becomes extremely hard to see a simple positive sign in separation such as becoming friends again.

This one thing is priceless and you can’t buy it with money.  Believe it or not, you can buy a wife, a husband, a girl or boyfriend.  But you can’t buy a friend.

So if you are in the middle of separation and you are noticing that friendship is finding its way back, that is a strong foundation to build upon if you are willing.

Sign Number 4

Sharing Space

Well, the whole point of separation also involves physical distance.  But we are humans and distance, they say, makes the heart fonder.

This is especially true if there was some type of friendship before things went completely left.  If that was the case, friends who are also lovers tend to find their way back into the same space.

Maybe not necessarily living under the same roof, but you find that you are able to share space together even if it’s with other mutual friends.  

That, my friend, is a great foundation to start working on your marriage together.

Many separated couples do not have that luxury and it’s worth appreciating and leveraging as a positive sign during your separation.

Again… simple but powerful.

Sign Number 3

Share Entertainment

Share EntertainmentEvery separation comes with some damages that can creep back as resentments and try to destroy your marriage even after reconciliation and reuniting back together.  

With the right tools, you can and will sustain such forces.

You are in a team together so you ultimately have a better leverage against any outside forces if you are aware of your power as a team.

Quick story.  

For us… even after creating some damage, we would end up sitting and watching TV shows together, sharing links of memes, funny and viral videos back and forth.

If you are blessed with this type of scenario, that is a positive sign during separation.

Sign Number 2


Naturally you are observing your partner.  


I say that because you may be using the “no contact rule” as a tool to boost attraction but hopefully-primarily to take time to boost your self confidence and self esteem.

But naturally you are observing your partner… at least occasionally.  

We are talking about your spouse here… in the middle of probably the painful experience of separation on both sides.

So you are observing if we are being honest.  

In that observation, are you noticing more acceptance of the reality of the possibility of the marriage ending for good?

I know this may be counter-intuitive.

But if you are noticing this, that’s what you need because it’s a sign of wholesomeness on your partner’s part. It means the quality of being beneficial and generally good for you.

When you are self-sustainable as individuals, you dramatically increase the chance that your marriage will be self-sustainable and not drain life out of one or both of you.

Let me ask you a question… 

Can you personally and confidently survive and thrive if you have to do that without your husband?

Please answer in the comment space below.

Sign Number 1


SexListen. You are humans like the rest of us here.  If you mistakenly broke your own rule and have sex with your partner during separation, that’s could be a positive sign.

Sex can also be a negative sign.  You may just be addicted to a terrible sex-based relationship.  

If you are D or P whipped, when you clearly feel terrible emotionally after the session, that’s a negative sign.

But if you lined up the other signs from sign number five to two that we previously shared with you, this is definitely a positive sign that you can turn into a foundation.

Speaking of foundation…

Don’t attempt reconciliation or getting back together without engaging in good counsel, coaching or therapy.  Healing is necessary in order to not create the same bad cycle all over again.

We are speaking from experience.  We share our own story inside the book “GET MY MARRIAGE BACK” which  you can download for free at

Please support this video by hitting the thumbs up and share with us below what you’d like us to cover on the next video.

When to Give Up On Separation 💔 Average Length & Rebuilding Attraction

In this lesson, we want to talk about when or what is the average length of separation

before reconciliation and how to rebuild attraction during separation.

While there are studies that show an average of 2 years in this zone, there is more to this.

We are also leveraging the story of a guy’s submission of how his wife wants to pursue separation even though he is willing to die to avoid this.

My wife wants to pursue a separation.

My wife and I got married in May 2019 (a little over 2 years) and we’ve been together for five years. 

My in-laws (whom) I have a very good relationship with)

renovated their basement to an apartment for us so we can save on rent

and so my wife can have emotional support since Covid lockdowns forced her to work from home and be isolated.

Prior to moving to her parent’s basement, we had an incident last December 2020

where our separate issues during the lockdown basically just erupted. 

Her’s is the loss of purpose (as her job changed drastically), the isolation, and just overall anxiety. 

With me, I’m a frontline retail worker, had the option to be furloughed,

but decided to work anyways for job security to make sure we meet rent and other basic necessities. 

I thought I was doing better than her since I can still function at work but in reality,

I’ve been super stressed and scared of getting sick everyday that made me emotionally shut-off without me even noticing.

I started doing therapy to make sure I can be a better husband for her cause I don’t want us to have the same problems again. 

We then moved to her parent’s basement around a couple of months ago

PREVIOUS POST: 5 Physical Attraction Signs A Happy Partner Will Show 💔

even though it’s a longer commute for me to work (1.5 to 2 hours),

I didn’t mind because I know it’s what’s best for her.

We haven’t been fighting a lot lately so I thought we were fine, and if we do,

it’s just usually about the same thing so in a way it gave me comfort to know that we don’t have a lot of problems. 

The theme of the fight is about me asking for her time and attention

since she’s been focusing more on her online female empowerment group

(which I’m not against and am actually very supportive of) and her other online friends (that I’m also not against). 

She found support from them especially since months before the December incident happened

but now I feel like she spends more time with them than me even though I’m now more open to be there for her.

Fast forward to last week, I came home and she left me a note saying she loves me

but she can’t be my wife anymore.. and that she wants to pursue a separation. 

We had a fight the night before about the same issue but I also acknowledged that it’s just me being anxious and I really just miss her.

She took her clothes and moved most of her personal stuff upstairs to her parent’s. 

I felt like I didn’t have a choice but to move out and go to my parent’s. 

We still talk sometimes through texts and she told me

she’s been having the same issues for 10 months now and that totally caught me off guard. 

I’m willing to do anything for her. 

To make her happy. 

To make sure she’s ok. 

And that includes me working on myself more. 

It sucks that I still can’t quite understand why we have to be apart and honestly,

I’m scared of the future cause I really don’t want to lose her.

She told me she doesn’t have any plans beyond healing but I’m not really sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

I feel like I’m going crazy because I thought I was doing my best to show her that I care and love her but for some reason,

she decided that this is what we need.

My name is LOLA and I am the co-author of the book


…with my husband OLA

…which you can download for free at:

You will also see an opportunity to book a coaching session with us. 

This is OLA… Let’s Get Into The Response


I am so sorry to read what you are going through.

Now let’s talk about navigating your life (most importantly) out of this funk.

This is a very good time (a rock bottom) to build a better and stronger foundation for your love life.

5 years is a long time enough to have some positive memories

she can reflect on provided you give her that space and time she asked for.

Trust me, you need that space more for yourself because the attraction (or maybe obsession) you are feeling right now is a direct effect of rejection.

A woman that doesn’t respect you cannot love you… that’s just how a typical woman is. 

Never mind what she said at the altar.

They reciprocate love as respect, trust and submission.

Your in-laws’ basement probably did not help to create room for her to respect you or your union.  

And the fact that she needed this additional emotional support was probably a good signal…

that she couldn’t trust and submit to your union as well.

So that would represent wrong timing to be needy with her for you to maintain your emotional stability.

Don’t feel bad; it’s not your fault.

In the next lesson, we will talk more about what emotional stability displays as in reality. 

So be sure to like and subscribe for your best chances of getting notified when that video goes live.

Let me give you some game. 

Please avoid receiving this as judgment. 

The world actually doesn’t care unfortunately.

Instead of you moving in with her (which tells me you probably became a pushover),

you were probably better off allowing her to go spend some time with her family.

As a man, you should always maintain a certain level of core assurance, and plan for your own life; something for a woman to follow.

If she’s not comfortable following your lead, she probably doesn’t belong with you at least for now.

So there were a lot of things you said that were signals that she didn’t get into this space overnight.

Therefore if you are patient and self-sustainable,

she probably will have a hard time letting go of you with a flip of a switch.

But she will turn you off permanently from her life if you keep up with the “needy” behavior (asking for her time and attention).

Women are like cats. 

You have to let them go and come as they please especially in the modern age if you’ve chosen to be with a modern woman

You have to have faith that the streets don’t love anybody like that and she will come back if she belongs there… if you chose to want her.

Her family and online female empowerment group cannot love her romantically.

But she may not know that until she tests it out and then willingly comes back to submit to your mission if you are still available.

From the look of things, it seems that she felt smothered for a while even though that wasn’t your intention.

In romantic relationships, intentions are overrated and “trust in good intentions” alone is causing many people pain; unrealistic expectations.  

How your love expression is received is a big part of the total outcome.  

You were oblivious, became complacent and I want you to know that it happens to the best of us.

Let her go!  

Give her space and time and be generous with it.

After consistent 90 days and simultaneously working on yourself,

if she hasn’t reached out, consider the marriage to be over and try to be okay with that.

It doesn’t mean you can get back together but it increases the chances of that happening.

Start seeing and hanging out with other people responsibly…

it’s good for your self esteem which is attractive to a typical woman.

By being okay with that, you will dramatically increase the chance that it is not over…

but don’t hold your breath.

She checked out. 

She needs to earn you back. 

Don’t sell yourself so cheap.

Your love life may not be a joke but it’s a game you should learn how to play so you don’t get played ever again.

It’s an attraction issue. 

It is not a right and wrong issue.

Stop apologizing for loving her. 

If she doesn’t want it, she doesn’t deserve it. 

Make it nothing against or about her but everything for your self respect.

Most men get caught off guard.   

That’s why you are the man.  Don’t try to compete with her at any level. 

You were busy being a man. Make it okay for her to be a woman even in these trying times.  

The easiest route is to point fingers at her especially with the help of outsiders who do not have the emotional intelligence.

“Babe. Take your time. 

Let me know when you change your mind and want to work on it.”

If you get angry with her, that resentment will lead to you self-destructing.  

You have options that you can start exercising if necessary in 90 days … responsibly.

When you are willing to do anything for someone who doesn’t want you,

it’s needy behavior because that’s how she is receiving it.

It’s unattractive. 

The brain works backwards against common sense.

It will only push her further away from you.

You can’t make her happy and she can’t make you happy. 

HAVE YOU SEEN THIS: More Video on our YouTube Channel

Learn how to make yourself happy and allow her to choose to be attracted to that in time if you are still available.

Because remember you have options, at least half-a-billion other beautiful ladies who will happily enjoy attention from you (a.k.a attention for you).

Like a typical woman, she can smell that you are scared of the future without her and that’s scaring the crap out of her directly. 

She is not abnormal. 

She is a typical woman.

It’s too much weight for her to carry.  

If you love and want her, you have to be okay with that.

You have to love her in a way that she feels free and that attracts her

or the right love to you beyond what you want.

If she doesn’t have a plan of permanently moving on,

that’s the feminine energy crying out for a masculine energy to fit right into. 

Leaving her alone is the masculine energy she is probably not used to…

making it okay for her not to be sure of herself.

When you combine that with the good memories you have hopefully had with her in the past years, she would never find anything better in the streets.

And whoever finds you after learning such a skill will be a very lucky woman.  

It’s a win-win for you regardless.

Believe what she has decided now and leverage it for massive greatness.

To learn even more about how to rebuild attraction in separation, check out the featured video on the screen.

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Get My Marriage Back