Hate is a very strong word but the “up and down” feelings that come with marriage can be extreme sometimes.

How To Save Your Marriage When Your Husband Hates You
With some patience, understanding, and a little bit of effort, you can turn your marriage around and get back to the loving relationship you once had.
Start by communicating with your husband and expressing your feelings in a calm and respectful manner–Emotional intelligence is required here.
Show him that you are willing to listen and understand his point of view; I know it may seem unfair at this point but you have to be patient because it’s a process.
It’s not time to be attempting to find ways to spend quality time together and do things that you both enjoy; this is not the space for that as it may come off as manipulation.
Finally, make sure to show your husband that you still love and care for him in action, even if he doesn’t show it in return; all of that is temporary.
With a little bit of effort, you can save your marriage and get back to the loving relationship you once had.
What To Do When Your Husband Hates You!
Timing is key here before making this move.
Ask him what is making him feel this way, and try to understand where he is coming from.
It’s also important to be patient and to show him that you still care about him.
If he is open to it, you could also suggest couples counseling.
It might be a good idea to take some time for yourself too, so you can focus on self-care and practice positive self-talk.
With a little bit of effort, you can work together to get through this difficult time and come out stronger than ever.
What To Say To Your Husband To Save Your Marriage
“I’m so glad we’re talking about this! I know our marriage has been struggling lately, but I’m hopeful that we can work through it together. I want us to be able to communicate openly and honestly with each other, and I’m willing to put in the effort to make sure that happens. I’m committed to our marriage, and I’m here when you do decide to talk. I want to make this work!”
Also hate is the polar opposite of the same passion you probably felt when you first fell in love with that stranger.
So it probably makes sense that it feels like “hate” at some point after the initial fake love in-love experience wears off.
The good news, in a twisted weird way, is that your relationship with your husband sounds pretty normal considering that…
About 50% of marriages in any society end up in shambles.
Additional goods news is that you can do something about it with the understanding you will get from this lesson today.
Feeling like your husband hates you is most likely an exaggerated version of the reality of what your marriage is going through right now.
Nevertheless, your feelings are valid enough for us to discuss in this lesson.
Where did you get the idea that your husband hates you from?
There are 2 possible ways…
1. He actually said it loud and audibly.
2. His actions reflect that of a person who hates you.
Either way, I want you to relax as we go through 13 signs that can make your husband say he hates you or make you feel that he hates you.
Keep in mind that if he actually hates you, he wouldn’t need to tell you. Most likely, he would be more indifferent than expressing it passionately with words.
Let’s talk about 3 situations that most people consider “for sure” common reasons for a husband to hate the wife.
My Husband Hates Me Because I Cheated
PREVIOUS POST: 5 Physical Signs Your Wife is Cheating
If you’ve cheated on your husband, “hate” is an understatement to the blow he has received to the head and the trauma that he feels.
He may have even expressed himself as…
“I hate you.”
But like I said earlier…
If he is saying it, then he doesn’t necessarily mean it. That’s more of the rage as a result of the betrayal.
So if you focus on the idea that he hates you, you will miss it.
Instead, your focus should be on building trust back and it’s very doable but also very hard; so, much patience will be required.
My Husband Hates Me After I Cheated
The aftermath of infidelity is a big uphill battle but can be highly rewarding if you make it through to the other side.
You would have literally survived what most of society consider to be the worst that a relationship, especially a marriage, can go through.
It is absolutely doable if you are determined and are willing to learn a new way of life.
It has nothing to do with how sorry you are but everything to do with a changed behavior, habits, consistency and patience with yourself.
My Husband Hates Me After Baby Arrival
I encourage you to consider the fact that a new baby arrival into the family is a temporary situation.
In order to truly see it as such, you need to be patient with not just your husband but with yourself and allow the universe to settle things for you.
Attraction levels between you and your husband can drop right after a new baby for many reasons beyond hormonal imbalance.
But again, these things are temporary.
Stressing over them can then become lasting problems and resentments if care is not taken.
I would encourage you to focus on motherhood, give when and what you can into the relationship and allow him time to adjust.
What if you don’t know if and/or why your husband hates you?
TRENDING: What is Infidelity ❤️ Does it Make Marriage a Mistake⁉️
These 13 additional cases and signs below will definitely put you in that weird position.
You may be seeing these negative signs and not know what to do.
So I will share some tips to create best chances to replace the hate feelings with joy.
1, Constant Need for Validation
Your husband is obviously someone you care about dearly.
So you may have naturally built a level of attachment to his opinions and his feelings… in fact, you have built a need to use them to validate you.
But this can also create unrealistic expectations from another human being.
If he falls short on validating your feelings, it can translate to a feeling that he hates you.
2, Making excuses for him
If you’ve ever felt safe with your husband, you will create a habit of defending him or making excuses for him… that’s okay.
But when you start to feel that he hates you, you will probably try to overcompensate by further explaining the reasons for his bad behaviors.
But there is a problem with that; it is not sustainable.
3, Infidelity
It’s only natural to feel that your husband hates you if he is actively engaged in infidelity or extra marital affairs with another woman.
But the reality is that he is a weak man who has resorted to disrespecting your relationship and you should not be making excuses for him.
He doesn’t necessarily hate you. He is more so engaged in dishonorable behavior due to selfishness.
I understand it hurts but the idea that he is doing it because he hates you is cheap. It’s a bigger and a self-sabotaging problem to explore.
4, Abuse
Abusive behaviors can come as verbal, emotional, mental or physical.
When you are on the receiving end of this from a person that once loved you, you may find yourself interpreting it as hate from them.
Unfortunately, a person that loves you can hurt you without necessarily meaning to hurt or hate you; it’s deeper than intentions.
5, Arguments
A man that wouldn’t let you get away with being right even when you are wrong in a debate can also shoot off the vibe that he hates you.
Why won’t he be “man enough” to allow you to be his lady without holding your feet down on every word?
Maybe he doesn’t hate you… just maybe he is simply petty and childish; something to consider.
6, Sarcasm
If your husband is just too tired and frustrated with the idea of communicating with you in love and kindness, he would settle for sarcastic remarks.
When a person is in true love, that package comes with patience and kindness so it’s little to no wonder why you may be wondering…
Does he hate you?
7, Condescension
He may also use a bad attitude to ask you condescending questions that he already has answers for.
This is a sign that he is not in love with you but he may still very much love you.
If he hates you, he would not be engaged in any communication with you.
Condescending remarks are signs of terrible communication skills.
8, Sexlessness
A sexless marriage can make you start to feel that you are alone in the marriage.
Sex and intimacy are what differentiate a marriage from other types of relationships.
So if you have not engaged effective and successful communication about the lack of intimacy, you are in the darkness.
It is then only natural to wonder if your husband hates you so much that he doesn’t want it with you; you start to question his love.
9, Complacency
Complacency has its way of creeping into every marriage at some point.
The excitement of newness evaporates and then you can either feel it as hate from your husband…
Or you can tackle it as what it is… naturally taking each other for granted.
Nonetheless, it is still a form of falling out of love but not necessarily “hate.”
10, No Quality Time
In the beginning, your husband couldn’t wait to spend quality time with you but he has since pulled back into a corner.
You, on the flip side, are forced to wonder if he hates you because of a series of events such as arguments, fights, etc.
11, No Respect
Behaviors that indicate lack of respect from your husband for, not “you” in particular, but for your relationship is obviously being received by you as an individual.
To you, that can come off as “does he hate me?”.
As I have said, “hate” is a very strong word and the feeling of it doesn’t always correlate with absence of love and respect.
12, Distant
Distance, they say, makes the heart fonder but I am guessing that’s not what you bargained for when you got into a marriage.
Why would your husband want distance from you… ever? This is a stage in most relationships that can be quite frustrating
13, Manipulative & Controlling
Manipulation and controlling behaviors from your husband obviously doesn’t feel like love.
So if it’s not love, then it must be hate. Right?
I wish it was that simple but it’s not.
When your husband only sees from his point of view like most other immature people, they will exude narcissistic and selfish behavior.
It’s mostly never an intentional behavior.
It’s a common behavior from men after getting married. They tend to put their feet up and relax; not paying as much attention to how you feel and your desires.
And of course, this behavior can start to make you feel unheard and unloved.
Does “feeling unloved” equals “hate?
Maybe not but it’s a sign you should consider taking seriously as a sign that you are on “low” with the love tank.
How do you stop feeling like your husband hates or get him to stop hating or hating on you?
Use this 5-steps sequential solution to attract your husband back to loving you again.
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1, Communication
It all starts by gaining enough courage to initiate conversation about how you’re feeling.
Focus less on what he has done and more on how you are feeling when expressing yourself.
The idea is to get him to understand you without making him feel attacked and/or triggering defensiveness.
If he’s like most men, he may feel attacked and naturally get defensive; you have to stand your ground but much wisdom is required.
2, Counseling
If talking to your husband and expressing that you feel as though he hates you doesn’t work, there is a chance talking won’t ever work.
You should ask him to collaborate in seeking the counsel of a trusted professional who can mediate and interpret communication between the 2 of you.
It is also okay to seek counseling by yourself if your husband is not interested… after all, it’s for “you” to attract love and happiness again.
3, Coaching
If communication and counseling has failed in helping you solve this dilemma of potential hatred between you and your husband,
It is now very important for you to consider that you have habits that are attracting this terrible energy.
It’s not necessarily a “fault” or responsibility but it should be identified so that you can use it as leverage.
This is especially true if you were at least attracted to each other at some point.
Coaching is a much more extensive solution which often includes counseling but goes beyond just solving your present crisis.
It also equips you for handling inevitable future conflicts and crisis in your marriage
4, Separation
Sometimes in life, it has to crash all the way down to ground zero in order to build a new foundation of love with or without your present husband.
My hope is, of course, that you will be able to rekindle and get your husband to love you or make you feel loved again.
But distance does make the heart fonder and it’s not always a bad thing to back off and allow love and attraction to rebuild itself just like the day when the affair was tender.
Entertaining the idea of separation can create your best chances of seducing your husband back into your love world.
5, Divorce
The same thing applies to divorce.
There are many couples that get back together even after many years after officially filing for divorce.
The moral of the story is to not make divorce more of a big deal than it is.
Focus on whatever you need to do to seduce and build attraction back into the underlying relationship with your husband.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Surviving a marriage when you hate your spouse can be a real challenge, but it is possible! The idea that you feel this is hate is just another way to express that a lot of passion is and was involved in the breakdown of your relationship. This awareness is half the battle won.
There are still plenty of things you can do to try and work things out. It’s important to stay positive and remember that communication is key. If your husband doesn’t want to, I want you to realize that it is not necessarily a permanent decision.
When your husband says he hates you, try to stay positive and remain calm. If you have to respond, ask him “what do you mean by that?” with an intention to hear more about where that feeling is coming from.
A toxic husband is someone who is not supportive or understanding of their partner’s needs and feelings. It’s someone who is selfish and controlling, and who causes emotional or physical harm to their partner. It’s important to recognize the signs of a toxic relationship and to take steps to protect yourself. It’s never too late to make a positive change in your relationship, and it’s worth it to take the time to make sure your relationship is healthy and supportive.
To save your marriage, it takes hard work, dedication, and a lot of communication to make it happen. The first step is to recognize that there is a problem and to be honest with yourself and your partner about it. It’s important to be willing to compromise and to listen to your partner’s point of view. It’s also essential to make time for each other, to share your feelings, and to be understanding and supportive.
It’s a tough question to answer, but it’s important to recognize when a marriage has reached its end. “End” is not necessarily an actual end. But there are no guarantees in life right? It’s a difficult decision to make, but if you and your partner are no longer able to communicate effectively, if you’re no longer able to trust each other, or if you’re no longer able to be happy together, then it might be time to consider that your marriage is over… at least for now. It’s a difficult journey, but it’s important to remember that it’s okay to move on and find joy and happiness elsewhere.