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Get My Marriage Back

How To Save Your Marriage By Yourself – 2nd of 7 Keys

For the 1st 6 months, I searched everywhere to find out how to save my marriage by myself…

how to save my marriage by myself

Because she was complete shut down before I realized the marriage was over….

Then I discover what I am about to share with you…This secret.. The 2nd key…. saved the marriage when all hope was lost.

Question from an example of a husband who shut down leaving the wife to have to save the marriage by herself…

QUESTION ⁉️ “What if your spouse is always using the excuse of ‘not now’ for weeks when you are trying to have a conversation?

Doesn’t talk to you or check on you to see how you are doing but has time to chat…

…and some might call him ‘baby’ when you never hear him call you that in a long time.

And the only way he approaches you is by trying to intimate you and even that, he goes back to the mood fast.”

Key #2 of 7 – Purpose: How to Save My Marriage By Myself

Be sure to check out #1 – How to Save My Marriage at this Link.

Well, you have to have a purpose in life.

I know that you are asking what this has to do with saving your marriage if your spouse has shut down on you.

Stay with me.

If you’re depending on somebody else’s purpose, chances are, you are already lost?

So you have to build on your own personal purpose.

If you don’t know what your own purpose is, then you have to search for it.

You have to keep trying stuff.

There’s a reason why God brought you to this earth.

It’s not just to be married or have Children; God has a purpose for everyone.

And if you don’t know and connect to that purpose, you’re gonna lose your way; especially in a marriage.

So one of the secrets to attracting your spouse back when they’ve checked out on you is to go radio silence on them.

Some all it the NO CONTACT RULE… check it out with this link.

You have to basically give them what they ask for, which is “some space.

They may have asked for it in weird ways that you clearly didn’t understand until not; but you have to give them exactly that.

The number 1 key will enable you to do it; Remember Unconditional love.

If you love your spouse enough, you will let them go if that’s what they’re asking for.

It doesn’t mean that you guys are not gonna get back together.

It doesn’t mean you guys are not gonna fix the issues that you have at the moment.

So the 2nd key to guide and make that even easier is your purpose and our personal mission in life.

It will keep you busy enough to have the required patience to attract your spouse back.

Without a personal purpose, you will be lost and too weak to allow the necessary time and space to miss you.

You will become one of those people that do not feel a sense of existence and try to commit suicide because of a break up.

It’s a lack off sense of purpose.

I know you’ve heard about celebrities who did that before.

Being a celebrity and making millions of dollars doesn’t mean you are in your purpose.

It doesn’t mean you’re fully 100% in your purpose.

Many regular people do it as well; they just don’t have the media coverage that a celebrity would have.

You need to be connected to a personal purpose that may be only you understand, that you enjoy doing, that…

Even if you’re not getting paid, you do not mind to keep doing it.

To attract your spouse back and even beyond getting back together, your personal purpose must come before your spouse.

If whatever you call purpose right now doesn’t come before your spouse, it’s not strong enough.

If you put your spouse before your personal purpose, you will choke the marriage up.

You will smother him or her.

It’s only a matter of time; you will come off as needy.

You’re gonna be clingy.

You’re gonna be in their face all the time; the worst thing you want to do if you are trying to save your marriage by yourself.

You’re gonna basically be overwhelming your relationship.

You have to keep this in context; it’s about balance.

Putting your personal purpose and mission before your spouse does not have to become shortage of affection.

Remember that the idea is to help you attract him or her back and effectively grow an undying affection.

It’s just the wise thing to know when to back up.

By spending a healthy amount of time, energy and attention on your personal purpose, they will have enough room to come to realization.

“Listen, I’m about to miss lose my spouse to anger.”

On the next key guide to saving your marriage by yourself, check out “how to stop my divorce and save my marriage.

FREE AUDIO BOOK: Get My Marriage Back: How to Save & Fix Your Broken Marriage All by Yourself Even If There Is Infidelity or You Feel It Is Completely Over.

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“MY HUSBAND IS A JERK⁉️” ❤️ What to do to Save my Marriage

QUESTION ⁉️ “I told my hubby to start working on himself and to start moving in a positive direction. Next day, he moved out.

My husband is just a jerk. It’s usually just towards me. He is a great hard working man. We farm beef cattle and both work jobs in town.

We have been married almost 12 years. Since I was 20 and he, 24. We have a nice grounded life. We go to sports events and Church and are normal people.

We just don’t generally get along. I have almost accepted this as just how it’s going to be.”


What To Do To Save My Marriage

“CHEATING SAVES MARRIAGES?” ❤️ Get My Marriage Back 11

Not exactly but you will discover in this video how all things work together for higher and diving purposes; twisted and weird but with God nothing is impossible.

The ultimate goal when saving your marriage after all is happiness… Here is the question…

QUESTION ⁉️ “Hi. My husband and I have been together for 5 years. During the summer, I was shocked to know that she was getting to know another girl.

His excuse was that the were just friends and nothing happened between them. Whenever touched his phone, he’d go crazy trying to take it away.

He even stood up for the girl and refused to end the so-called friendship with her. I dumped him for 3 days

He tried to reach out .I tried to forgive what he did. When we got back together, he started acting distant; not even holding hands.

Whenever I tried to call it quits, he’d beg me to return. After 5 months of being neglected by him trying everything I could to get his attention back, he finally came back to his senses.

So we got back together, but then I started feeling choked, didn’t want the relationships, went into depression and broke up with him.

I didn’t feel the need to talk to him although I always asked my sister about him because they are friends.

On New Year’s Eve, I got jealous because I saw his picture with some other girls. We got back together but since then, I keep on giving excuses to just get away from him although I truly love him.

I keep on thinking that I should leave him,I just be with someone else but I don’t want that. I’ve been suffering from an eating disorder because of this situation and I don’t know how to fix it.

It’s like one day I‘m fine and happy with him but other days I’m afraid I’m going to lose him because of these thoughts.”


How Cheating Can Save Your Marriage

Broken Relationship? Fix it Here $985

Get My Marriage Back