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Get My Marriage Back

Can “NO CONTACT RULE” bring my wife back⁉️ ❤️ Get My Marriage Back 15

QUESTION ⁉️ “I have a serious question. I am 5 days into no contact with an ex-wife.

I notice she still likes my post and also watches my snapchat stories daily.

Since I post daily, she doesn’t wonder what I am doing since she can just watch me.

Should I block her from my social media or she can just watch me have fun?”


No Contact Rule During Marriage Separation

“HELP, WIFE KEEP TEXTING OTHER GUYS” ❤️ Married Woman Texting Another Man | Get My Marriage Back 7

QUESTION ⁉️ “My marriage has been a long journey of ups and downs. And for some reasons my wife keep texting other guys behind my back.

Anytime I catch her, she says sorry and promises to stop. What can I do to make sure she won’t do it again?

I have been there by her side supporting anything she wanted to do. Married for 10 years since she was not even 21.

She has a child from a previous relationship and kept that from me. I’m the one that don’t want to leave her because she is my whole world.

She makes me feel I am the reason why she is doing it.”

In this edition of how to fix a broken marriage, you will discover how to handle a situation where a married woman is texting other men outside the marriage.

Is it appropriate? Is it allowed? Is this another sign of a broken marriage. In this video, we answer that question with precisely why a woman feels it’s okay and exactly how dangerous it is if dangerous at all.

Enjoy the video.

Married Woman Texting Another Man

What to Say to a WIFE WHO WANTS A DIVORCE ❤️ Get My Marriage Back 4

QUESTION – “What can I say to my wife to stop a divorce?”

In addition to what to say to her to stop the divorce, you also need to learn how to say what to say.

Believe it or not, there is not much to say other than “I UNDERSTAND”. You can’t afford to start begging or apologizing once a woman get to this stage.

It doesn’t have to be her idea to stop the divorce but it needs to feel like it’s her idea to her. If she feels smothered into stopping the divorce, that will become a confirmation that continuing the divorce is the right decision.

When a woman asks for divorce, she has lost respect for you and no longer values the marriage. Any manipulative move will further decline the value of the marriage from her perspective.

Watch the video for more insights on how to talk and relate with a wife who has asked for divorce.

Does Marriage Counselling Work

Top 3 Reasons Why MARRIAGE COUNSELLING WON’T WORK ❤️ Get My Marriage Back 3

Most people run to marriage counseling and counselors when it’s too late.

So does it work?

There are also statistics flowing everywhere that most people that received counseling end up in divorce but that’s not all the way accurate.

In this video, you will discover that it can only work under ONE CONDITION.

What’s the condition?

Watch the video and leave a comment on what you like most about it and the question we answered.

Does Marriage Counseling Work

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Get My Marriage Back