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ACCOUNTABILITY vs RESPONSIBILITY – “If I Have To Protect You, Why Can’t I Hold You Accountable.” [PART 2]

Accountability Vs Blame In Relationships & Marriage

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In my last video before part 1 on Will Smith’s apology video, I talked about blame as a function of baseless guilt and shaming.

Accountability on the flip side is a function of a solid foundation and set of values that all involved parties have subscribed to.

When you hold people accountable, you should be holding them to account for agreed standards within the right frame of mind.  But when you mix that up with blame, shame, insults, there will be distortion of what the standards are… naturally.

I personally have to continually work on this when I hold men accountable.  It’s hard when I can clearly see the wrong to not use certain languages to express my frustrations.

I tend to say things like lame, incel, weak etc.

Shaming, blaming, insults, condemnations simply cannot be in the same space as accountability in relationships, marriage and any type or romantic context.

I do have to keep my foot on your neck.  Gentlemen, we have to figure this out.

5 Signs of Lack of Accountability In Relationships & Marriage

Lack of Accountability

Sign Number 5 – When you tend to use shaming, blaming, insults, condemnations and judgmental tactics, it’s a sign that your woman is having a hard time holding herself accountable to you.

Sign Number 4 – The use of the words “always” and “never”.  Here is an example, “you never listen to me.”  Such statements are lies by default and definitely signs of lack of self-accountability which “always: (no pun intended) turns to overall lack of accountability.

Sign Number 3 – Confusing lack of desire and lack of accountability is a sign of lack of self accountability and self-respect… and it’s worse.

Sign Number 2 – When you are confused between protecting her feelings vs making sure she feels protected while “holding her accountable” that’s a sign that will defeat accountability.

Sign Number 1 – Last but not least, active competition in any form between couples is a sign of lack of accountability on at least whoever is claiming to be the leader of the union.

When men talk about holding women accountable, there is usually a piece of information that I find missing.

“Exactly what are you holding her accountable to?”  

At this point, the rambling usually starts for three minutes and then maybe ends at “women never apologize.”

Remember what I said earlier about the use of the words “always” and “never”.  It’s a sign of lack of self-accountability and ignorance.

I do believe you should be able to at least hold yourself accountable for not being able to leave a terrible relationship.  That in itself is an undefeatable strategy to holding women accountable.

But when I see stuff like.. 

“Hold women accountable by leaving them alone with their kids and cats,” I am forced to look at you sideways and ask. Why do you feel the need for the insults?

Is the truth not good enough?  Is that a testament to why you are having a hard time holding your woman accountable?  

Is this why you keep asking women to allow you to lead?  Just questions…

Your truth is not good enough for women to be accountable to?

accountable woman

A lot of people having these conversations are real time case studies of the lack of accountability epidemics.  It’s contagious.

Because of their conduct evident by women being afraid to come on the panel for the discussions, it’s obvious to me why women will simply not listen to them.

And if they did, they tend to call them out on emotions in attempts to lead and hold them accountable… Clearly, it’s not working but then it’s supposed to be the woman’s fault.

I hear things like “I was respectful and she hits me with disrespect.”  

Again, continuing to engage such a person (not just a woman) tells me you lack self respect. This will be a good moment to practice self-accountability.

Women are not just going to submit to you just for being a man.  That’s being delusional and that’s not the reality of life in any society.

You get the basic bare minimum respect first and it’s easy to lose that with the mindset that all women should submit regardless.

Delusional people tend to use the word “should” a whole lot.

Having an opinion on strangers and the general public is not the same as holding them accountable.  What could you possibly be holding them accountable to other than your own delusions?

If a person is already disagreeing with you in a debate, you can’t just move the goal post and switch it to an attempt to hold them accountable.  That’s why you are failing.

By default, they are not agreeable because you are equally in debate with them.

Here are some real life questions and weird answers around holding women accountable

Question: What do I do if my girlfriend never accepts her mistakes?

A Stupid Answer: “My suggestion is to just run from this toxic person….even I had a girlfriend who never used to accept her mistake…and she was trying to ruin my life…50 percent damage was already done by her to me so in order to save my future…I stopped contacting her…I am happy now… RUN…SAVE YOURSELF…”

The Right Answer: This answer is projection at best.  If she never accepts her mistakes, the first step is to set a good tone and the second step is to have a conversation about it.

Frankly, I need to know her mistakes before I can help because you used the word “never.”  That makes your accusations a lie by default until proven otherwise.

Question: Why doesn’t my girlfriend take responsibility for her wrong doings in our relationship and why do I apologize in the end?

A Stupid Answer: Why, indeed? Never falsely apologize. That’s a lie. Worse, you lie to yourself. This person you refer to as your girlfriend is a drama queen. She hears nothing other than her own voice. Selfish as they come. I don’t care how cute she appears on the outside, she’s dark and ugly on the inside. You will continue to be treated badly if you don’t put a stop to this. Next time you apologize let it be for your mistake of putting up with her.

The Right Answer: This started off as an okay answer but at the end it was laced with shaming, blaming and insults.  

As much as the answer was, I guess, designed to make the asker of the question feel good, he probably felt worse because of the past choices and the focus becomes that.

Blame is 100% destructive at a psychological level.  It ignores all the processes that go into the choices that we make.  Stop confusing it with accountability.  

Relationship Accountability Spectrum

Relationship Accountability Spectrum

So there is a spectrum here that I stole nicely from a Dr Perel called the relationship accountability spectrum. It was used to categorize ghosting in dating to icing, passive, simmering, power parting and active cold ghosting.

WIth the same idea, think of holding a woman accountable as four different methods on a spectrum.

1. Holding just yourself accountable, a typical good woman will follow your lead anyway. 

2. Mostly holding yourself accountable, a typical good woman will give you enough grace even when you are weak and still follow your lead anyway. 

3. Mostly holding her accountable, a typical good woman will give you enough grace, try to follow your lead but may get tired of the bullshit.  

4. Focus all your energy on holding just her alone accountable by barking at her from time to time, a typical good woman will give you enough grace, try to follow your lead but will get tired of the bullshit las las.

Where do you fall on that spectrum?

A bad woman?  Hold yourself accountable and leave. Easier said than done… right?

ACCOUNTABILITY vs RESPONSIBILITY – “If I Have To Protect You, Why Can’t I Hold You Accountable.”

ACCOUNTABILITY vs RESPONSIBILITY – “If I Have To Protect You, Why Can’t I Hold You Accountable?” 

Wow.  I won’t call this a stupid question even though I should.  But I’ll tell you why you can’t hold her accountable.  You lack self respect.

And the worst thing about it is that you are perpetuating it right now. It’s a competition.  It’s a contest.  It’s transactional.  You’ve made yourself equal to the woman… she’s not even your woman.

But then I should calm down because it’s all YouTube panels and should not be conflicted with a romantic relationship.

CAP.  Sadly… Many young men are taking these conversations back to their romantic relationships in attempts to hold a woman accountable.  And it’s failing.

Anything I say in my lessons is easier said than done.  But they are highly rewarding when you figure it out.

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In this lesson, we will answer questions and cover things like:

1. Do Females Lack Accountability?

2. Accountability vs Responsibility

3. Accountability vs Blame In Relationships & Marriage

4. 5 Signs of Lack of Accountability In Relationships & Marriage

5. Relationship Accountability Spectrum

As we speak, there are tons of conversations going on reddit and various social media platforms around the idea that accountability is a woman’s kryptonite.

Is that true?

In fact, the memes are endless.  The manosphere talking points around women’s lack of accountability is likewise endless.

For example, I just read one women accountability meme that says… and I quote…

“60% of women cheat but 85% of the time it is the man’s fault.  Women tend to cheat because they are not being loved properly or they have been feeling lonely for a long period of time in a relationship and so they lean on another male for support and accidentally have sex with them.”

As you know, this is a platform where we hold ourselves as men accountable particularly to facilitate personal growth with respect to relationships.

Weak men think of it as pandering.  

“Ola.. stop shaming men.”

One of the push back I get this most is…

“So it’s always a man’s fault?” 

Here is another meme joke I read… I guess a woman saying

“Whatchu mean I don’t have no accountability? 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10! See I have the ability to count.”

That is funny… You will also hear things like…

“Women demand equality except when they get special treatment for being a woman.”

Some even say

“Not only are they not held accountable, if a male is involved, he’s held accountable for her actions!”

Well, when a man has not heard me long enough, it’s easy for him to say that I am holding him accountable for a woman’s actions.

Never that!  But I could hold you accountable for not leaving and disengaging any conversation with her if she’s such a bad person.  That is your action or lack there-of.

The talking points are endless.  Here is another one.

“Y’all are both drunk and have sex. The male is held accountable.” 

This one is obviously a generalization and you know how I feel about those.

And another one.  

“A girl flirts with a guy at work and the guy decides to go for it.  The guy gets fired.” 

Okay. So the society protects the most vulnerable first, children, then women before we get to the men in a society that has men, women and children… no aliens.

Where is the surprise here again? 

Are we still talking about accountability for women and you are running from accountability?

running from accountability

“You both decide to get married but then the woman doesn’t want to be married anymore and wants a divorce. The man has to pay alimony to women.”  

80% of divorces are initiated by women.  Congrats.  You passed your data, facts and stats test.  Now.. let’s get back into the real world.

I am guessing this is the part where we will all pretend that there is nothing between getting married and the divorce.  It’s all vacuum.  Right?

Let’s do one more.

“You both have sex and she gets pregnant. She’s not going to be the one paying child support for the next 18yrs. You are.”  

Again…. Gross generalization at best.  

It’s just hard to come up with healthy solutions when you spend so much energy on (I won’t call it complaining even though it is.) generalizations, blaming, shaming and insults.

At that point, you now have to sell me harder on the idea that you in particular don’t hate accountability as well.

Does this sound like caping for women to you already?

If it does, I understand.  That’s what being held accountable feels like.

But let’s reason together if we call ourselves men.  Another one of the talking points is thinking of a man and taking away reason and accountability in order to spell “women”.

I am just being brutally honest and maybe you are stuck on the brutality of it.  But I have to show you the reality and flash your results in your face… the only source of objective truth.

Let me repeat that.  The only source of objective truth is reality, time and results.  Everything else is an opinion based on old data. 

So Do Females Lack Accountability?

So Do Females Lack Accountability?

I have to be honest in that there are lots of half-truths to all the examples and accusations of lack of accountability on women’s part.

But guess who is responsible for that?  You guess that right.  Whichever side of the gender wants to lead the society is responsible for that.

That’s the reality.

But again… women and accountability in a romantic context don’t mix and I don’t think they are supposed to mix… especially when there is no vision and order.

…especially not from a blame standpoint.  I know there is a difference between blame and accountability but I know what blame sounds like.

It sounds exactly like when you claim you are holding women accountable.  Am I pandering here… whatever…. 

nature of romantic relationships

Due to the nature of romantic relationships…

The feminine energy is responsible for the chaotic and creative beauty that attracts us as men while the masculine energy is responsible for the structure, security, safety and order.

That’s what creates sexual polarity, the in-love experience and if you can manage it on a day-to-day basis long enough… 30 to 40 years from now, incels will call you lucky.

Outside of romance or anything affected or influenced by romance, women are held accountable all the time for their actions at work, in society, when they get pregnant and even on a month-to-month basis just for being women.

Accountability Vs Responsibility

You can at least agree that the leader is responsible for the state of any context; society or romantic and individual levels. Right?

I found 3 dictionary meanings but I will use two of them for context and application. Dictionary meanings are terrible for relationships on face value.

1. The opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without authorization.

2. The state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something.

So we have authority but at the cost of being exposed to blame.

This is the reality.  

And so for those who want to hide under the canopy of a need to rebuild the community, you should know that the focus on blame and shame will defeat the purpose because you will effectively be pointing back at self.

Besides, I personally think every “women accountability talk” around building communities “is cap”.  I’d rather we particularize it.

“Why do women hate being accountable when it comes to interactions with YOU?”  That’s a better question with better chances of getting to an answer.

We will continue with… “Accountability Vs Blame In Relationships & Marriage in Part 2”

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