10 Things To Know About A Cheating Wife

10 Things To Know About A Cheating Wife

What does cheating mean?

Does it always mean a woman who engaged another man outside of her husband?

No, cheating can also be a woman who forgoes their vows.

Cheating wives are cheating because of sexual addiction, depression, boredom in the marriage, and even lack of attention from their husbands.

Do these sound like terrible excuses to you?

In this article, we will explore the signs and reasons why some women are cheating on their husbands.

Here are some of the topics we’ll go over in this blog post:

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  1. The signs of a cheating wife
  2. What to do when you have a cheating wife?
  3. Why do wives cheat?
  4. 10 ways to make your wife feel special
  5. What do you do to avoid cheating in your marriage

Let’s get started with a comprehensive and full breakdown of these topics.

The Signs of A Cheating Wife

The Signs of A Cheating Wife

How do you know if your wife is cheating?

The signs are subtle and, as such, it can be difficult to detect.

You may not even want to believe that she would cheat on you with her affair partner.

But there are some telltale signs of cheating in a marriage that need to be taken into consideration.

Just keep in mind that none of these signs are absolutes by themselves.  You need to see a few of these signs before raising alarms.

1. A sudden change in her appearance

This is usually seen in her dress, hair, jewelry, or makeup.

Or she may have started going to the gym that is why she seems to have lost weight.

She is trying to look attractive and different.

2. She hides her phone

It has come to your attention that something is suspicious about the way she answers calls when she does not recognize the number calling.

You can even catch her checking messages when you are in front of her.

This could be due to infidelity.

Her affair partner may be on the other line which is why she wants to hide it from you.

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3. Shutting out the past

She will start acting like all those years with you were never there.

No mention of your shared memories, feelings, and experiences – like they never existed at all.

There’s no trace insight of what part each other played in each other’s lives, turning every conversation into an awkward and one-sided monolog.

4. Cheating rumors start floating around

Cheating rumors start floating around

You notice that people who know you both are talking about affair behavior:

– suspicions of cheating on social networks

– stories from friends and family members about cheating behavior, and etc.

There may be an actual affair partner but if your wife acts like they don’t care or is overly defensive, there might be something wrong.

5. She lies a lot

Even if she lies about things that you don’t think much of, it shows that something is wrong.

In most cases, lies have to be told to cover cheating behavior and those lies become more complicated as time goes by.

By the end, no one but and not even her can keep track of all the lies she’s told.

6. She gets defensive

She will always find a reason to explain any suspicious behavior – even when nothing is yet obvious.

The excuses may sound similar at first but they will change over time as she has to come up with new ones because she will realize you’re not believing them anymore.

7. She’s cheating with her time

She’s always busy and has trouble making or keeping plans with you, could she be meeting a secret man?

Even when you meet up with each other, it usually ends in an argument about affairs.

8. Her cheating thoughts are all that matter to her

She gets mad if you even think and discuss random cheating thoughts in the news.

This shows that nothing else matters to her except for being a horrible person for betraying her husband at the moment.

9. She’s cheated on you with other people

She unfriends you on Facebook, unfollows you on Twitter, and unfriends her friends who happen to be your friends

So she can hang out with them cheating without having any suspicions from you.

This includes infidelity in both thought and behavior.

10. The sex goes downhill

You notice that the passion between you and your other half is gone after a person has been cheating.

The sex becomes boring and not as frequent because she no longer feels a connection with you.

Could she be giving it up for another guy entirely?

11. She gets an unusual number of calls from men

She gets an unusual number of calls from men

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You may start to wonder why she’s answering the phone every five seconds and even taking calls in secret.

This could be a sign that something is up but it could also be cheating behavior which makes you confused because you don’t know anything yet.

You will have to find out whether the affair is real or not before you think about leaving because there might be other reasons  beyond why your relationship isn’t working anymore.

What Do You Do When You Have A Cheating Wife?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best course of action will vary depending on the circumstances.

However, here are some tips to consider if you found out that your wife has been cheating on you:

– Seek professional help.

This can be very helpful in getting emotional support and guidance during this difficult time.

– Don’t make any hasty decisions.

It’s important to take time to process what has happened and to make sure you are not making any bad decisions.

– Don’t try to deal with this alone.

Feeling like you have someone to talk to can be very helpful.

That is why betrayed husbands are encouraged to share their emotional pain with their family or some close friends.

Becareful who you share with as it can also backfire.

– Try to focus on your well-being.

This is an extremely difficult time, but it is also a good thing to take care of yourself in the best way you can.

– Keep in mind that this is not your fault.

And it’s never too late to make different choices for yourself.

If cheating is your reason for wanting to leave the marriage and decide to get divorced, you may want to seek out marriage counseling.

Why Do Some Wives Cheat?

Why Do Some Wives Cheat?

Wives cheating on their husbands is bad for the marriage, and it’s a cheating woman’s choice to hide this from her husband.

On the other hand, some wives in today’s society have just had enough of toeing the lines in their marriages, sulking around at work all day,

…being ignored by their husband who always insists they need something.

There are lots of reasons why someone may be cheating including but not limited to… 

– Alcohol abuse is considered by many psychologists as a potential cause of infidelity.

Certainly, alcohol can reduce inhibitions but whether it causes infidelity is arguable as many people have a problem with alcohol yet do not stray from their relationship.

Boredom in a marriage can lead to cheating.

If you don’t feel that your needs are being met, then that may be an indication that perhaps your husband isn’t doing enough to keep your interest or that he is taking you for granted.

– A new person entering the marriage can cause to break the marriage especially if they are not welcomed by the spouse 

e.g. a new mother-in-law who refers to her daughter’s wife as “the babysitter”.

This act of leaving her husband may be a way that she can show her hurt or anger towards him for not standing up against the upsetting behavior of his father or mother.

Drug abuse is another cheating behavior.

This may be from the use of substances such as cocaine, heroin, and marijuana which lowers inhibitions and affects a person’s moral values.

For example, cheating could be a means to an end so they can afford more drugs.

Financial problems can lead to a wife cheating.

Many cheating wives will seek their happiness through new wealthy partners thus leaving their spouses for them to start a better life.

Cultural changes over the past few decades have created cheating lifestyles that are acceptable to many wives.

For example, having an affair is viewed as natural, whereas in the past it was seen as shameful and immoral.

A cheating wife who feels under-appreciated by their husband may seek an affair as a way to boost their ego.

While seeking happiness, they end up harming themselves and their family with bad decisions that lead to divorce and single parenting.

A wife who feels unable to deal with emotional problems such as depression or anxiety may choose cheating as a way out of their problems.

10 Ways to Make Your Wife Feel Special & Making Cheating An Impossible Or The Last Thing On Her Mind.

Listen.  If your wife cheats, it’s her fault and it’s bad behavior that she had in her all by herself.

However, it takes two to be in your relationship and marriage.  You may have some power to make bad behaviors even more difficult for your wife.

The bottom line is that your wife can cheat on you just for not feeling special in your marriage; terrible excuse I know.

Don’t do these things if your wife was recently caught red handed cheating on you and the holy matrimony.

But If all you’ve got is suspicions of your wife cheating, here are 10 things you can do to turn things around.:

1, Make her feel loved and appreciated.

Make her feel loved and appreciated.

One of the best ways to make your wife feel special is to show her how much you appreciate her.

You can do this by telling her how lucky you feel to be married to her, by doing something special for her, or simply by spending time with her.

Being considerate of your wife’s needs and giving her plenty of attention will make her feel as though she is the most important thing in your life.

If you’re not giving your wife your undivided attention, then she’ll feel as though you don’t care about her.

You can avoid cheating by spending time with your wife doing something she enjoys.

Take her out for dinner at a place of her choosing or watching a movie that interests both of you.

Whatever it is that makes her happy will show her that you truly do care about what’s important to her.

2, Pamper her with gifts and surprises.

Some of the best ways to pamper your wife are with gifts and surprising her.

The gifts should be thoughtful to create an emotional connection between you and your wife.

Pamper her with gifts and surprises.

You might want to consider including a letter telling her how much she means to you, the reason why you chose this gift, or how it’s connected to one of your shared memories together.

Please do not do this after finding out that your wife cheats.  These are preventive measures for bad behavior in general only.

A surprise is a great way to show her that you pay attention and notice all of the little things about her life.

One example would be going through all of your pictures throughout your relationship and printing them out so that she can put them in a photo album.

This will give her the feeling that you pay attention to everything about her past and it’s something she can share with friends and family.

Surprise your wife by doing something you wouldn’t normally do.

If she likes to dance but you don’t, then take dance lessons with her or find another way for you both to enjoy dancing together without being too out of character for either of you.

3, Take an interest in what she’s interested in.

If you want to make your wife feel special, then you need to put some thought into the activities that she likes.

If your wife likes to read, find an author that you have never heard of before and purchase their book.

You could also take her to see a new movie that just got released.

If she enjoys cooking, then invite her over for breakfast one morning with all of your favorite breakfast foods.

These are just a few examples of how you can spend time with your wife in her areas of interest.

4, Compliment her often.

Complimenting your wife often will make her feel special.

If she feels good about herself, then it is less likely that she will need attention from other sources, like other men.

Say “I love you”, even if it’s a million little things that you’re thankful for.

Sometimes, saying “I love you” is just not enough to light up your wife’s day.

Make her feel loved by telling her how much of a difference she makes in your life and why you appreciate the littlest of things from her.

5, Do things together as a couple.

Promising to do things with your wife is a great way to make her feel special.

Yes! Just the promise is magical.

You can offer to go to the grocery store together, cook dinner together, vacuum the living room, or take care of the pet.

Whatever you decide to do, be present with her and do your best to enjoy it.

6, Give her your undivided attention when she’s talking to you.

This means looking at her, paying attention to what she’s saying, and showing that you’re interested in what she has to say.

Be responsive to her and show that you’re engaged in the conversation.

If you’re not going to give her your undivided attention, don’t bother talking to her.

This will let her know that she is important and respected.

Research shows that men who do this have happier marriages and their wives are more satisfied with the marriage.

If you can show interest in what she’s saying, she will feel understood.

When a woman feels understood, heard and seen by a man, it makes her feel loved and cared about.

It is said that eyes are the windows to our soul so if we want to connect better with people then looking them in the eye is something we need to do more often.

This is especially important when we want to make a true connection with the ones we love.

7, Plan romantic getaways and vacations.

Plan romantic getaways and vacations.

When planning romantic getaways and vacations with your wife, be sure to include some of her favorite things.

If she loves the beach, plan a trip to the coast.

If she’s a nature lover, take her on a hike in the mountains.

And if she enjoys spending time in the city, check out some of the local attractions.

No matter where you go, be sure to make it special by planning all the details ahead of time.

Surprise her with tickets to her favorite show or a reservation at her favorite restaurant.

And don’t forget the flowers. (…If she likes flowers.)

A little bit of romance can go a long way in strengthening your relationship.

8, Make love to her often.

Spend more intimate moments with your wife often including a gentle caress, a kiss, or an embrace.

She loves these moments as well as the times you hold her tight after you have been apart for a few days.

Loving your wife means holding her tightly and kissing her passionately.

9, Support her.

One of the best ways to support your wife is to be there for her when she needs you.

This means being available and actively listening to her when she has something to say; even if it’s something that might be difficult to hear.

It also means being supportive during tough times and offering practical and emotional support when required.

Most times, she just needs to feel heard.

Lastly, it means being a positive force in her life and making her feel loved and appreciated.

10, Love her and the decisions she makes for herself.

Loving your wife and the decisions she makes for herself is one of the most important things you can do in a relationship.

When you love your wife, you are telling her that you value her opinion and that you trust her to make decisions that are best for herself and her family.

This builds trust and strengthens the bond between you and your wife.

When your wife makes a decision that you don’t agree with, try not to let it ruin your day or cause problems in your relationship.

If you disagree with your wife on something important, sit down and talk about it but make it clear that you trust her judgment even if you don’t necessarily agree with it.

This will help build trust in the relationship and strengthen the bond between the two of you.

Listen to what she has to say without judging her.

When your wife talks about something important to her, listen carefully and don’t interrupt – even if you disagree with what she is saying.

Try not to think about how what she says will affect you or how it relates to your life.

When you truly listen, you are showing that you care about what she has to say even if it’s not relevant to you.

Additional Things To Do To Avoid Cheating On A Marriage

Additional Things To Do To Avoid Cheating On A Marriage

There are a few things that you can do to help avoid having a cheating wife.

One of the most important things is to keep communication open and honest within the context of wisdom of course.

You should also be aware of the signs that your wife might be cheating on you.

If you see any of these signs, you should address them immediately with healthy communication skills.

Finally, you should always try to keep your relationship strong and healthy.

This will help to discourage infidelity.

Keeping Communication Open And Honest in Wisdom

Keeping communication open and honest is one of the keys to avoiding having a cheating wife.

Open and honest in this context means giving her freedom to express herself while managing her own idea of openness and honesty.

You should never hide anything from your wife but hiding things from your wife can mean 1,000 different things.  

Wisdom is required.  The ultimate goal is to make her feel special.

Brutal honesty can create the opposite effect.

This factor can also encourage honesty between both partners which could reduce the likelihood of cheating in general.

Maintain A Healthy Relationship

Having a healthy relationship with your partner will not only help to avoid infidelity but will also make you happier.

A healthy relationship could make someone less likely to cheat if they know that their partner is always aware of what they are doing and who they are with.

Usually, there is no room for cheating thoughts in your wife’s mind if she feels safe, secure, and special around you.

Be Aware Of The Signs Of Cheating

It’s important to always be aware of the signs that your wife might be cheating.

These could include being secretive or acting suspiciously, flirting with other men, making more frequent trips out without you, or neglecting her appearance.  

You should also keep an eye on where she is going and who she has been spending time with recently.

If you notice any of these signs then you should confront your wife about it immediately to try to avoid infidelity.

It’s important to note that this could cross the line to insecure behavior if you don’t work on your personal mental health.

Take Precautions To Avoid A cheating Wife

There are a couple of precautions that you can take to prevent having a cheating wife.

Firstly, you should work on yourself as you will attract who you are.

I know it sounds like I am blaming you as a victim.  But you cannot be a victim and engage your power at the same time.

Another way is to ensure that the two of you always get time to spend together and that the two of you go out on dates regularly.

Regularly scheduled dates can help to prevent infidelity because it encourages intimacy between the couple and help them to stay in love.

The goal however is intimacy and not the actual date.


If you are worried that your wife is cheating, there are certain signs to look for.

For one thing, she may be acting differently than usual.

She might also be spending more time away from home and coming up with excuses as to why this is happening.

If these things sound familiar, you must speak to her about what’s going on.

But, you should never confront the cheating wife without first speaking with them because they could easily deny everything…

Or tell you something different instead of the truth just so they can keep their affair hidden from view.

A lot of times, cheating wives cheat out of loneliness.

She may not have anyone to talk to or spend time with, which makes her feel unloved and neglected.

Your moral compass may kick against that as an excuse.

When your wife tells you she’s been cheating, it can be difficult to know how to react.

You may feel like you want to scream, cry, or lash out in anger.

However, the best way to respect your marriage is to listen to her and allow her to explain her actions.

Don’t try to judge her or place blame.

Instead, simply try to understand why she made that poor decision.

Ultimately, it’s up to you now whether or not you want to work on rebuilding the relationship;m but by respecting yourself first,

You have to demonstrate self-respect in order to attract the respect you have clearly lost.

After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of how to attract a faithful wife and repel a cheating wife.

By following these 10 tips for making her happy, you’ll be able to avoid cheating behavior and keep the love alive in your marriage. 

Everyone makes mistakes, but you should ask yourself if these mistakes are something you could forgive.

The cheating wife must earn you back first before you should even consider entertaining an apology to make the marriage work.

You don’t have to let your marriage fall apart because of an affair; love can last forever.

You need to look for excuses to take phone calls that last a long time.

Look for deep circles under her eyes, as well as evidence of a diet change if she usually eats healthily – such as weight loss. The weight may disappear very fast, usually at the level of fat from eating since jogging burns off lean muscle mass.

A change in mood or behavior is also a sign something is going on, including being depressed and having an increased sex drive. In addition, watch out for situations where they start spending more time with people you don’t know – friends of friends rather than usual single-dates do not count.

If you ask me, typically it’s best to try and forgive her. The way we often go about punishing infidelity is by either leaving the spouse or striking back with anger and rejection. But it’s important to remember that she cheated because she was unhappy in our marriage first.

First, you need to gather some evidence. This could include tracking her phone, checking social media posts, or looking for changes in behavior. Once you have some evidence, confront her with it and see what she says. If she denies it, you may need to get a detective involved to help prove that she’s been cheating.

Yes, of course. The feelings of betrayal and hurt are very real, but if both parties are willing to work on the relationship, forgiveness is possible. A cheated wife and cheating husband may face lasting consequences and challenges, but the marriage can survive infidelity. If you cheated and want to save your marriage, you’ll need to take responsibility for your actions, apologize honestly, show her you’ve changed, and be willing to work hard on the relationship.

There are many reasons why wives cheat, but some of the most common reasons include feeling neglected or unappreciated, feeling lonely or unloved, and wanting attention or excitement that they’re not getting from their spouse. Cheating can also be a way to get back at a spouse who has been unfaithful or done something wrong.

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